Page 28 of One Night Stand

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Point, Mia. “Just let me try.” I don’t know why this mattered so much to me, but it did.

Mia shook her head, raised her brows, and I’m pretty sure she rolled her eyes, all in one move that my sister did all too well. It meant she’d fold. It meant—

“Whatever. I guess you can try. But!” She held up a finger between us. “If you’re serious, you are going to be monogamous.”

I grinned crookedly. “So that means we’ll be having sex.”

Her hand shot out so fast, hitting my chest before I could stop her, but it didn’t stop the laugh that burst out of me.

“I haven’t decided yet. Just…one day at a time, Conor.” She wiggled her hips from my hands, trying to pull away, but I just pulled her closer. Fucking belly of hers wouldn’t allow her to be as close as I wanted her, but that was ok. I’d deal.

“Seal the deal?” I asked down to her, and her brows creased yet again. I let go of a hip so I could rub my thumb over the ridges there. “You’re going to get stuck, you keep doing that.”

“I just…I don’t know you Conor, and this?” She waved a hand between us in the miniscule space between our chests, “This isn’t the Conor I’ve been watching.”

“You said you’d give me a chance.”

“I don’t want you to resent me.”

“I couldn’t resent you,” I said, realizing it was true. “And you said you’d give me a chance. Day at a time.” I slid my hand to the back of her head, grabbing her bun-contained curls in my hand and pulling her head back ever so slightly. “Give me my chance,” I whispered, before lowering my lips to hers once again.

Now that I started kissing again, I couldn’t seem to stop. At least, I couldn’t seem to stop kissing Mia. Her lips were a drug. Her responses, a drug. She gave me a fucking high, and I couldn’t help but want to stay on the upper she gave me. I squeezed her hip under my hand before moving back to grab a handful of her ass, causing Mia to moan under my mouth.

I let go of her hair so I could put my other hand under her ass, lifting her up. Automatically, her legs wrapped around me but she pulled her mouth away from mine, eyes wide.

“I’m too heavy for you!” She didn’t make any moves to get down, though.

“Shut up, you’re fine,” I told her. Maybe ‘shut up’ wasn’t the best word choice, but it was what I had. “We’re going to your room. Objections?” I moved so I could press my lips against the column of her neck, biting and sucking here and there until I left a mark near her collar bone.

Mia’s head dropped back with that move, but did not object to my statement, so I moved us toward the room she came out of a short while ago in new clothes.

The night had started to creep in, leaving her room dark. I blindly hit the wall with one hand, finding the light switch, dousing her bedroom in light.

I didn’t have time to look around the place. I spotted what I wanted, where I wanted to go, and I moved us to her bed.

Thank fucking God she didn’t say anything about the light. I wasn’t having that argument right now. I resisted throwing her down on the bed, because of the baby and all, and moved up on her mattress on my knees, lowering her back gently once I reached the middle.

Her bed was likely a queen, but felt like a fucking twin compared to my own luxury bed. Far too small.

I pulled back and immediately started to tug down on her shorts. “Are you able to stay on your back?” I asked as I went to task. I didn’t bother stopping as she answered.

“Right now, yes. In a few weeks, probably not.” Her voice was husky and slightly breathless and I had to fight a grin of satisfaction. I did that to her.

I leaned back to completely take off her shorts, not at all surprised to find she was in those cotton underwear. Maybe I could talk her into lace or silk someday.

Hm. Yeah. Someday.

Depositing her shorts on the floor beside her bed, I moved my hands up to the hem of her shirt. The plain cotton was surprisingly thick and rough. I was a fan of soft, vintage style tees myself, but to each his, or her, own. My thumbs hooked under the hem and I pulled the fabric up, exposing her stomach inch by inch.

My eyes darted up to Mia’s to catch her reaction and I was semi-surprised to find her eyes on mine already, her lip between her teeth, as if she were afraid of my response. I moved my eyes back down to her stomach, which was stretched and taut.

I will admit—it was a fucking powerful feeling knowing she held a baby in her stomach and that I put it there. Yeah, Mia and I had some way to go, but I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to try.

Inch by inch, I exposed more of her stomach. Her belly button ring was no longer in, and her belly button itself was starting to pop out. Unable to resist, I bent down to press my lips to her stomach as I pushed her shirt up to her tits. I pressed my lips over and over again to the swell of her stomach and chuckled when the kid pressed against my lips. It was a soft, fluttery feeling, but I felt it and Goddamn, it made me feel like fucking Superman.

I sat back on my knees and pulled her up to sit so I could finish pulling her shirt off. I groaned out loud when her breasts were freed from the shirt, showing she wasn’t wearing a bra. God fucking damn.

Her tits were indeed larger than I remembered, and her nipples…
