Page 46 of One Night Stand

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“You want to move in together?”

I barked out a laugh. “Mia. We practically live together already, just without the change of address form.”

Mia smiled wide. “Ok. Yeah. Maybe tomorrow after my appointment, we can start looking? Do you have to do book work tomorrow?”

I was about to shake my head, because I had been intending to get that done, but remembered I fell asleep before I could. I made a face and nodded, “Yeah, but it can wait until after everything.”

Again, Mia smiled. “Ok. Sounds like a plan then.”


The next day, everything happened quickly. Conor had woken me up a number of times through the night, to ‘play,’ as he called it, and we finally got out of bed with an hour to spare before my appointment.

The appointment itself went smoothly, with my OB-GYN just asking about birth plan things and asking Conor how he felt about everything. She also wanted to see the baby’s position, saying that in a few weeks’ time, the baby would be in what should be its final position for birth. She had concerns of the baby potentially being breech.

She ordered a quick ultrasound to check, and if Conor and I had been hopeful about not finding out the baby’s sex, well…

Our baby had other ideas.

The moment the wand was placed on my belly, our baby was all about showing what it was.

Conor laughed out loud. “That baby is all boy.”

My doctor smiled. “I know you wanted to wait. I’m sorry, Mia. But yes, like Conor said, your baby is definitely all boy.”

“Look at him. He’s showing off.”

“Like his dad,” I said, when I finally found my voice. My eyes were tearing up and when Conor looked at me, I was afraid he was going to think I was crying because I was disappointed. I held my hand up and shook my head. “I’m fine. Overwhelmed, but really, really happy.”

Conor leaned in and kissed my lips sweetly as my doctor started to clean up her equipment. “Well, I can say that I think he will be fine. We’ll keep an eye on him, because he is getting pretty big and is going to run out of room, but everything looks good.”

I smiled and thanked her, and after she left with brief instructions on what to do in the coming weeks, Conor pulled my shirt down and helped me stand.

“You’re really ok?” he asked.

I nodded. “I am. Yeah, I wanted it to be a surprise, you know, the last great surprise a person could get, but…” I shrugged and grinned, shaking my head. “He’s going to be such a little hellion.”

“Just like his old man.”

I reached up on tiptoes so I could kiss him once. I wanted a long, thorough kiss, but my OB-GYN’s room was so not the place.

“Let’s go look at places to live so I can take you home and ravish you senseless.” Conor squeezed my hip and grabbed my purse, not afraid to put the strap over his shoulder, and helped me out of the room.

That day, we toured two nicer apartments and, after Conor’s urging, a little starter house located on a cute cul-de-sac. An apartment was a one-year commitment. A house? That was a serious commitment, as both a homeowner and for a new couple.

On top of that, I was afraid a mortgage was going to put us over our heads, but Conor assured me we could afford it.


He referred to us as a ‘we’ and while I knew he said he was in for the long haul, it was those little reminders that made my heart so incredibly happy.

It was a three bedroom, two bath ranch-style home with a small yard, but the neighborhood itself had a little park. Conor said we could convert the third bedroom into an office for now, allowing him to work from home even more.

So finally, a smile on my face, I nodded. “Ok. Let’s do the paperwork.”

And we started the next adventure in our life.
