Page 67 of Lost Without You

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I wasn’t going to let this stop me. I wasn’t going to let her shut me out.

I was going to head back to my place to grab my things, and I would sit it out, waiting for her to come to her senses and talk to me.

Back at my place, Bella wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but Mitch was sitting on the couch.

“I heard you just had a little bit of a snafu in your plan.”

“Don’t joke about it,” I growled, moving to my suitcase, still standing where I’d left it. “Do you know how many fucking circles I had to talk around earlier in the weekend? And every time I thought Savannah was there and trusted me again, she’d get caught up in her head again, and we were starting over. I really thought we got past all that.” I moved to bring the suitcase closer to the door.

“Does she talk to someone?” Mitch asked, genuinely curious.

“She does.” He didn’t need to know that she’d been talking to someone since we were young, and he didn’t need to know all the little things that made her head go into that space.

“That’s good. You going to go talk to her?”

“I’m going to go fucking camp out in her apartment until she realizes that I’m not fucking going anywhere.”

Mitch laughed. “You are so far gone, brother. Calm down. She doesn’t need you to go all alpha male on her.”

I thought about her books for a moment then took a deep breath. “Sometimes I think she does need that. You’re good here? If you need anything, holler. Otherwise, I’ll keep up with my rent like discussed and I’m going to go try and figure things out with Sav.”

“You’re good. Go. Go win her back. Although, I don’t really think you’ve lost her. It wasn’t like you were making out with Bella when she got here.”

I frowned briefly at his correct assumption. “How long did you and Bella talk for?” Because surely that was the only way he’d known.

“Just long enough for me to know she felt sorry for causing the scene. And to get her number.”

The laugh that passed my lips was unexpected, but felt good. “You would. See you,” I added, shaking my head and dragging my suitcase out of the apartment that had been my place to rest my head for the last three years.

When I got back to Savannah’s, I was relieved to find that the door was still unlocked. I pushed it open and propped my suitcase by the wall, before shutting it and engaging the deadlock. I didn’t plan on going anywhere, and I knew Savannah would refuse to go anywhere in the current climate.

We were settling in for the long-haul.

Listening closely, I could hear that the shower had shut off. So, I brought my suitcase closer to her bedroom door, and left it along the wall before going to sit on the couch.

I didn’t turn on the television though.

I wanted to be fully aware of when she moved from her bedroom, into this room.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long before she emerged from her bedroom, hair wet and wrapped up in a clean bun, with her hands held nervously in front of her.

She wore loungewear and couldn’t look more beautiful.

I moved over on the couch and patted the seat beside me. “Let’s talk.”
