Page 139 of Fighting For Her Love

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“No, but I will be. Thank you,” she says.

“Let’s go out and watch some TV. Remo will be back with food.”

“Okay. Thank you again.”

“This will take a while to get over, probably years. I can only imagine what you’re feeling. But please talk to me if you ever feel this way again. We’ll go get your favorite lattes and talk it over. And I won’t tell Kingston, not yet anyway,” I say.

“Thank you for everything,” she whispers.

“Now come watch bad reality TV with me,” I coax her out of bed and into some sweats and tank top. She can rest on the couch where I can keep an eye on her.

“Oh, have you ever seen this show?” she asks me.


“It’s a dating show, but it’s so good. The man right there is the chef. His daughter was on season one as an advisor. This is in the country and the contestants have to do farm tasks to get dates. Ever is her name and she was in love with Memphis who messed up really bad, but he left the show and tried to win her back. I think they got married,” she gushes.

“All right,” I shrug as she settles in to watch.

“I love it,” she says as she watches, “this is a rerun since it’s from season two.”

I don’t even know what I’m watching but there is life in her again and that’s a good sign.

We eat and after another hour of TV she’s asleep. I just let her sleep while I stroke her hair. I think she just needs the comfort. Remo shows up with the food and I tell him what happened.

“Fuck. I’ll get her in to talk to someone when we get back,” he says.

“I think right now she just needs to sleep,” I say as he cradles her head in his lap. I would be jealous, but I think she needs to feel the love.


“You need to calm down,” I say to Thorn who is ready to punch holes through walls, or punch someone.

“Calm down? Calm down? He touched my sister,” he roars as he sends the punching bag flying. I knew he would be pissed.

“Getting angry is not going to help your sister. Remo and Holden are with her, she’s safe. Let’s spar so you can let out that anger. Tristan, wrap his hands,” I say.

Thorn glares at us as Tristan tapes his hands and then helps him put on his gloves. I won’t go easy on him, but I don’t think he’s going to go easy on me as pissed as he is. No one can blame him for his angry outburst. I did put my hand through a wall when Holden told me. I get his anger. We go at it for a few hours, until we are sweaty and tired. I need to get ready for the press conference anyway.

“Go shower and change, we’ll go out to dinner before the press conference,” I say as we step into the elevator to go to our suites, “Thorn, you can go to dinner but I want you to stay with your sister. I’d be afraid you’d try to punch Lane if you went.

“Yeah, fine. You’re probably right, I would try to punch him,” Thorn admits before getting off on his floor.

“Let Caleb and Piper know about dinner,” I say before the door closes.

Tristan and I walk in and find Remo on the couch, Briar’s head in his lap. Holden is sitting on the other couch, he looks up and shushes me.

“Sorry, I’m not trying….” he stumbles.

“You’re good, man. Is she okay?”

“She will be. I did talk her into seeing someone when we get home,” he says.

“Yeah, that would be good for her, Thorn as well. How long has she been asleep?”

“She fellasleep about an hour ago. She was still pretty upset after you left. We watched some dating show she likes and Remo brought her some food and she started to feel better,” Holden says.

“Chicken Fried Love,” I state.
