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“That would be nice,” he says.

“We haven’t had a nice Christmas in a couple years. I’ve tried, but it just never happened. I want to do something nice for Thorn. Just kind of makes me sad seeing your family and how close you all are,” I admit.

“I’d love it if you spent it with me and my family. My mother is really taken with you,” he smiles.

“I don’t want to be a burden,” I state.

“You are not a burden. I want to spend it with you,” he leans down and captures my mouth in a quick kiss.

I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on. This is a nice feeling, to be wanted. We pull apart and decide to stop and order nachos, sitting down to rest for a bit.

“Thank you so much. I love what you’ve done for me and Thorn. For taking him on, bringing me here,” I hope he can understand how much this means to me.

“My pleasure, sweetheart,” he grins.

“I just don’t want anyone thinking what Lane thinks,” I whisper.

“Nobody thinks that. I especially don’t,” he says.

I sip on the water he hands me and feed one of the ducks that walks by. I giggle as the duck grabs a chip from my hand.

This has been a great day, even if it started out crappy.


My blood is boiling. Lane is a dick and has her doubting herself. What a fucking punk! Why is he acting like this? I’m glad to be rid of him. Yeah, he made the gym good money, but his attitude lately is something else.

He thinks he’s king. Not to toot my own horn but I’m king. I’ve won more titles than he ever has, and I know I could beat him.

Maybe it’s time to come out of retirement and show him that he’s nothing. Not trying to sound cocky, but he does need to be knocked down a few pegs.

“I’ll be right back,” I kiss her hand and leave her to the ducks.

I need to make a couple calls.

First to Hayes.


“Just a heads up, Lane broke into my girlfriend’s apartment.”

“You know this for sure?” he asks, he’s not trying to sound like a dick, just the nature of his job.

“No, but he did break into mine. He was in the kitchen this morning.”

“Want to report this?”

“I just want it on record in case it turns sour,” I say.

“You think it will?” Hayes asks, as he types this out on his computer. He’s thorough.

“Lane is obsessed with my new girlfriend,” I reply.

“I’ll make a note of it. If something happens, let me know,” he says.

“Will do,” I hang up and make the other phone call.

I call my uncle.
