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She looks at her car one more and then walks into the gym.

I follow on her heels.

“Well, Nephew, looks like you got some stuff going on,” Uncle Dante greets me as I head for my office, needing my own moment. He takes a seat across from me.

“I do and I want revenge,” I hiss, “and I want it in the cage. I want to break Lane in the cage before he goes to jail. He won’t care about jail, but he will care when I humiliate him.”

“Not going to be easy. I told you not to take on that kid,” he states. “He’s unstable.”

“I thought we were okay, and now I see how wrong I was,” I reply.

“I got your first fight lined up,” he smirks.

“That was fast.”

“Well, don’t get excited. It’s with Caleb.”

“Fuck. I’ll murder him.”

“It will help him out. But you’re going to have to start at the bottom,” Dante says and I nod. I knew I would.

I walk over to my office door and holler for Caleb.

“Yeah, Coach?”

“Take a seat,” I point at the empty one.

“Am I in trouble?” he asks and Dante snorts.

“Dante set up your first fight,” I start and Caleb gets excited.

“Hell, yeah.”

“With me,” I finish and Caleb’s face drops.


“I am coming out of retirement. I have to start all over kind of,” I tell him.

“Lane?” he asks as if he expects it.


“I’ll take the fight. I know you’ll win, but it will get me noticed if I survive,” he snorts.

“That’s what I said,” Dante pipes up.

“When is it?”

“Day after Christmas. But you’re going to have to recover quickly because I got a fight for you in New York.”

“With who and how?”

“Aiden Sebastian and just now,” he holds up his phone.

Aiden and I are friends.

And my uncle has connections. Soon this will be big news and will spread around about my coming out of retirement.
