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“Should I bring her to New York? I’m sure he would love that,” I wonder out loud.

“I think you should,” Briar kisses my cheek.

“I will then.”

“You’re awesome. He will be tickled pink,” she whispers softly with a smile.

“Tristan, your turn to pick a movie,” I pick Briar up and carry her to the couch, putting a blanket in her lap and propping up the pillows.

“Is there more beer?” Thorn asks his sister. I think it’s to get permission.

“One more and there are snacks on the counter. Do you want me to order some hot tea?” I ask her as Thorn goes for the snacks.

“Please,” she whispers as Tristan shows her what he’s thinking of watching.

I order the tea and grab two beers for me and Tristan before settling on the couch, holding my girl. Tristan and Thorn stretch out on the floor and soon they’re asleep. Briar fell asleep right after the movie started. I leave them there, covering them with a blanket and pick up my woman and carry her to bed, laying her down and pulling the covers over her.

“I could have walked,” she chuckles.

“I know, but you looked so peaceful and I like carrying you.” I grin, “Besides, it’s practice.”

She chuckles and snuggles closer to me. I hold her close as we both fall asleep.


Last night was a nightmare. Thank God for Tristan. I reassured Kingston that it wasn’t his fault but I know he feels bad. I watch him sleep for a minute, looking so peaceful before I crawl out of bed, not wanting to disturb him. He has to be up in a little bit for his big match today, so I’ll give him a few more winks of sleep.

I shower and dress, throwing on a scarf to cover my throat. I do not want the press to think Kingston did this to me. The swelling has gone down, but it’s still a little sore and the redness seems brighter today. But I know it will eventually go away.

I fry up bacon and then some hash browns, turning on the coffee pot before setting the table. Then, I make some eggs, in various forms, sunny side, over medium, scrambled, and fried. They all like different types so it’s better to give a variety.

“Morning,” Tristan greets me, showered and ready for the day. He’s dressed nicely, in dark jeans and a button up shirt, black with the cufflinks I got for him.

“Hey,” I whisper since it still hurts to talk.

“You made breakfast again?” he asks and I nod, gesturing to the table where everything is set.

“Morning, sweetheart,” Kingston joins us, giving me a lingering kiss before taking a seat.

“Thorn!” Tristan yells. We hear grumbling before Thorn emerges from his room, dressed though which is great.

“Let’s see your neck,” Kingston says, gently removing my scarf.

“Not as swollen but the bruising is more purplish. Means it’s healing,” he says and I nod, sipping hot tea.

“Morning,” Remo opens the door and walks in.

“Hey,” Kington gestures to the food, “there’s plenty.”

“Thanks,” he murmurs, taking a seat. “How are you this morning?”

“Better,” I rasp.

“Yeah, it will be a few days before you can really talk again, try to rest your voice as much as you can. And water is always good. I thought I’d take you to get your x-rays and there I can do a better exam while they go get ready for the match.”

“Okay,” I say but look to Kingston for a nod.

“That’s probably better. I want her away from the press for now, out of the spotlight,” Kingston agrees.

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