Page 109 of Snow's Storm

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“Don’t do that,” Austin scolds.

“Sorry. Thought you heard me come in. What happened to the porch door?”

“You first.” Afton nods at her.

“He came back positive for cocaine,” she says abruptly.

“He wouldn’t take coke,” I gasp.

“Where is Shane?”

“Checking the property,” Austin says.

“Can I get a cup?” She gestures to the coffee Afton poured.

“Yeah.” He hands her his mug and pours another for me and then himself.

I sit down, and then it hits me.

“Holy shit,” I shout as realization dawns, and I’m mad as hell.

“What?” Everyone comes rushing back to the house.

“Scott is Ben.” I nearly growl.

“What?” Afton and Ariel ask in unison.

“Scott is Ben. I kept seeing him on set. I thought I was going crazy. And you all thought I was seeing things. Scott never wanted to meet any of us because we would recognize him. I know I sound nuts, but Scott is Ben.”

It grows so silent after I say all that, you can hear the ticking of the clock two rooms away.

I know it sounds insane, and maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.

“How do we get them both here to see if you’re right?” Shane asks, hooking his thumbs through the belt loops of his jeans. “He won’t let anyone near him. Because I’ve had the same thoughts.”

“You invite London.” I lift my gaze from my lap to meet his. “Tell him you want to talk. He will come with him. And then you leave.”

“We do what now?” He arches a questioning brow.

“I think he’ll show his face when I’m not being guarded by the Thunder Twins or you. You’re not going to really leave. You’re going to call in Memphis and Linc and a couple others, and they will hide in the vehicles and drive away, dropping you off out of sight down the road. Silas can hide in the barn if that makes you more comfortable.”

“You think you can do this?” Shane asks, grabbing my hand and squeezing.

“I’m ready to do this,” I state, my tone leaving no room for argument.

“All right, what about the show?”

“Austin, will you get them to go to Jimmy’s and rope calves today?” I ask. “We can call and fill him in—he won’t have a problem with it.”

“I’ll get them all moving,” Austin agrees with a nod as Axel calls Jimmy.

“All right, let’s eat and get this show on the road. Austin, Skye, and Ever will meet you at Jimmy’s to help with breakfast for the contestants and crew,” Axel says, one step ahead of all of us.

“You sure you’re ready to confront him?” Ariel asks me.

“I’m sure.”

I hope I am.
