Page 83 of Reckoning

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He wasn’t trying to control my life. He was giving me the chance to decide this for myself.

I understood him more in that moment.

I remembered the first time he’d taken me and tied me to his bed, the first time he’d made me call him Daddy. Back then, I really hadn’t understood why, but now I did.

Daddy wanted to take care of me in every single sense. He wanted me to be happy. He would punish me when I needed it. He would spoil me when I needed that too. I would be able to count on him whenever I needed him. He would ensure that I was safe and protected and in exchange, he wanted all of me.

And I wanted to give him that. I wanted to give him everything.

“Then I accept your offer.”

Chapter 12

I’d planned a lot of weddings in my life, but never one for a man I truly loved. I wanted it to be special so that the both of us would remember for the rest of our lives. In the end, I decided on a small reception with only two guests.

Janet and her daughter Elsa.

After the SWAT team had arrested the Father, they investigated the mansion from top to bottom. They found Elsa locked away in a small apartment in the basement. She was healthy but pale, seemingly only allowed out into the sun on rare occasions.

Dean ensured that Janet’s crimes were overlooked. He had his people destroy any evidence that connected her to the family’s dealings even in the most remote sense. When I was questioned about her, I said nothing and neither did he. He had promised her that she’d go free, and I knew that he would uphold that vow just like he meant to do with me.

Since we would only have a few people with us, I didn’t have to plan out the seating arrangements or even put together a reception at all. There were no tablecloths to pick out, or valence colors to choose.

It made it that much simpler.

If I needed anything, I only had to ask for it. Dean flew me out to some of the most talented wedding dress designers in the world, but I chose a ready-made dress that only needed a few adjustments.

It was an A-line gown with a sweetheart neckline. The top was made of white lace and the scalloped edges around the bust line allowed bits of my skin to peep through. The sash around the waist was a gorgeous dark blue that was the same color as his eyes and that felt extraordinarily special to me.

There was the option to have a train, but I opted to have it bustled behind me. My favorite part of the whole thing was picking out the scandalous lingerie that would lie beneath it.

When the day finally came, I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself.

Dean was very traditional about the whole thing. We slept in separate hotel rooms the night before, which was terribly hard for me because I just wanted his hands on me. He’d told me to be patient, but my needy little pussy had other ideas.

He’d forbidden me to touch myself, but I’d done it anyway. I had no plans to tell him about it either.

I’d spent that morning in the spa getting a relaxing massage. When I was ready, the staff took me in to do my hair in an elegant partial up-do before they did my makeup in a natural classy way. They even helped me to get dressed in my lingerie and wedding dress. By the time they were through with me, I felt like a treasured princess.

I was led to a car and assisted inside. A number of people made sure that my dress made it safely into the vehicle too. I closed my eyes and took a deep shuddering breath.

This was real. I was getting married to Dean.

I’d heard stories about how other women would get the nervous jitters before their wedding and I’d never understood that until now. I was anxious, but at the same time I was ecstatic that the day had finally come when I could take my own vows and mean every single word for the first time in my life.

The car pulled up to Dean’s Lisbon house.

I gasped at the sight of it.

Fresh flowers surrounded the gorgeous home, every one of them in full bloom. Red stones lined the walkway, circling behind the mansion to where the ceremony was going to take place. The sky was a brilliant blue without a cloud in sight. The sun was high overhead, casting down warmth and light all around me with absolute perfection.

I was going to marry him in his own vineyard. I’d decided there would be nothing more special than that.

The front door opened, and Janet emerged from the front door. I’d given her a square of the fabric that my sash had been made from and told her to pick out her own dress so that she would love it too.

Her gown had turned out really beautiful. It was sleek and form fitting. There were no sleeves and it descended to just above her knee in a way that was demure and sexy at the same time. There was a small cutout on her chest that revealed a tiny bit of cleavage and I smiled wholeheartedly at the sight.

“You look amazing, Janet,” I whispered.
