Page 36 of That Feeling

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I won’t lie, this job is like a damn fantasy. Recording and photographing a sexy-as-hell shirtless cowboy as he rides a horse with the Rocky Mountains as the backdrop? Are you kidding me?

“So for the last one, I just need a quick clip of you in that other outfit you brought. Could you change really quick?”

He sighs and picks up his shirt from where he left it on the ground. He walks over to his truck, which is parked next to us in the field, and I follow behind him.

“After we’re done here, I’m going to grab my things from the motel and start moving into the cabin.” I stomp through the weeds and stand by the truck as he reaches for his belt.

“Turn around,” he says, gesturing with his hand.

“Seriously? We’ve had sex, you know. I’ve seen you naked already.” I let my eyes drop down his body.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get privacy. We see each other naked when we fuck, but that’s it. Otherwise, it gets complicated.”

I roll my eyes and turn around, giving him his privacy. “Maybe I’ll have you do some naked TikToks—just you wearing your boots and your hat strategically placed to cover things.”

“Depends on if I’m hard or not . . . the hat might not cover it fully.”

I laugh and turn back around to face him as he finishes buttoning his shirt. “Someone thinks highly of himself.”

“You know I’m not full of shit,” he says, taking a few steps toward me. “You’ve seen it.”

“Yeah, and I think that hat,” I point to where it’s sitting on top of his head, “would be more than enough coverage. Don’t ya think?” I bite my bottom lip seductively.

He puts his hands on the edge of the truck bed behind me and leans in. “You tell me, Brooklyn. You’re the one who’s had it down her throat.” I clench my thighs together as his voice lowers a full octave. “Weren’t you the one who said it was too big?” He presses against me and I can feel his erection digging into my hip. “Didn’t you tell me it hurt—that it was too deep?”

He always wins when we play this game, but I’m a glutton for the punishment. I reach for his shirt and fist it—tugging it forward to bring his lips down to mine—but he pushes against the truck to resist me. I give him a confused look and pull again, but he reaches down and removes my hand from him.

“What the hell?”

“We’re not doing this, Brooklyn. We can kiss when we fuck, but not this. We’re not a couple—we don’t hold hands or kiss each other goodbye.”

“Then fuck me.”

“We need to finish this shoot so I can get back to work.”

I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I want to point out that we don’t even kiss when we fuck, because when I tried the other night, he pushed me away again . . . but now isn’t the time. He’s right; we need to wrap this up.

I snap a few more photos and take another video before we call it a day. We jump in his truck and he starts to drive us back down to where my SUV is parked. I want to let go of what happened a moment ago, but I’m also frustrated.

“Hey, maybe you should write down the rules for this thing,” I say, motioning between us. “That way, I won’t inadvertently break another rule I didn’t even know existed.”

He looks over at me as he puts his truck in park. “Say what you really want to say.”

“You’re the one complicating things by making up these rules. I know you’re doing it to protect yourself, but it takes the fun out of it. Just let things flow and happen naturally.”

He shakes his head. “You want things to happen naturally? Meaning . . . ?”

“Meaning we can just act on feelings and desire rather than having all these stupid rules in place. Kind of takes the fun and spontaneity out of it.”

“Sweetheart, if I acted on desire around you, I’d have you stuffed with my cock 24/7. I need to put boundaries in place. That’s what I can offer. If you don’t want it, then we don’t have to continue doing it.”

I want to slap him and tell him fine! I don’t need it, but I don’t want to stop sleeping with him. Just hearing him say he wants me nonstop has me ready to jump across this truck and say fuck my feelings.

I grab the door handle. “Fine, maybe send me a list of dates and times that work best for us to have sex so I don’t make another mistake and attempt to touch or kiss you.” I get out, slam the door, and walk to my own truck. I know I’m being childish, but my feelings are hurt and I’m embarrassed.

I haven’t seenor spoken to Tyler since my little outburst at his ranch on Saturday. Between moving into the cabin and focusing my attention on work and tonight’s bachelor auction, I haven’t had time to worry about that situation.

I double-check my reflection in the floor-length mirror in my bedroom. The auction is black tie, which gave me the chance to pull out this stunning floor-length gold gown I’ve had in the back of my closet for the better part of a year.
