Page 22 of Take My Hand

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She was a hairstylist before she decided she wanted to be a full-time mom, and now she’s about to become my savior if she can fix the mess on my head.

“Are you sure you can get it to a normal color?” I ask, nerves creeping into my voice.

“I’m sure we can get it close. I can’t promise perfection, but it’ll be better, I swear.” She holds out her pinky, and I link mine with it as I laugh.

Jen fills me in on her and Mike’s relationship, and it sounds like a perfect romance. They always knew they loved another and wanted to make it work. A bout of envy hits me, and I scold myself for being so petty. Here they are putting their lives on the line to help us, and I’m jealous that she found a guy who loves her without condition.

“It sounds amazing. I hope I find that someday.”

“Oh, you will. Just give Liam some time,” she whispers, a conspiratorial smile on her face. “He’s just stubborn.”

“Oh, no. He won’t be a boyfriend for me.” I pause, my mind wandering to our first date and the somewhat magical night we shared—a night that feels like it was ages ago. “He’s already made sure of that,” I say, not meaning to come off sounding bitchy, but he’s told me he doesn’t do girlfriends. He’s an FBI agent, one in some serious trouble—what kind of relationship could we ever have?

“Because he’s in the FBI? You don’t do that?” I’m losing her. One look at her face shows me she’s ready to fight for Liam.

“No, no. Well, I mean, I would, but he doesn’t want that.”

“Did he say that?”


“He specifically said, ‘Margaret, I will never be your boyfriend.’?” She gives me a pointed look.

“Uh, well not in that way, but yeah, kind of.” I almost blurt out, We slept together and then when I woke up, he was gone. Not exactly boyfriend material, am I right? I keep my mouth shut, though, not because I think she’d argue, but because I feel a small sliver of shame for having fallen for a man after one date only to have him sneak out the next morning.

Jen gives me a secret smile then nods her head. “Okay. We’ll see.” Her voice holds a lilt of song, but before I can say anything more, Mike walks in with Benny.

“Someone wants Mama.” He hands her over to Jen, who is still fixing the orange on my head, and gives her a kiss. Jen asks him to get a bottle, and I stare at the adorable chubby baby in her arms. My staring is noticed, and Jen asks if I want to hold him.

“Oh, that’s all right. I’ve never held a baby before.” I wave my hand at her and smile.

“Nonsense. It’s easy, here.” I don’t get to protest before she places him in my arms, and he looks at me with a toothless grin then giggles. I smile instinctively and grab the hand he holds out.

“Boy, you are cute, aren’t you?” I say, laughing when he garbles back at me.

“Here, you mind giving him this? I’ll finish up here.” Jen hands me his bottle and watches as I get him adjusted, and he immediately starts sucking it down.

I don’t take my eyes off him for a second while Jen finishes my hair and teaches me the art of burping a baby. Benny doesn’t even fuss once in my arms, and I can’t help but feel a sense of calm settle over me as I stare at him.

“Hey, guys.” I look up as Liam enters the room, and we lock eyes. He sees me holding Benny and smiles at us. “Getting baby fever over there, Mo?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Who wouldn’t with this cutie?”

“Okay, time to rinse. Boys, take the little one and let me work my magic.”

“Yes ma’am.” Mike takes Benny from me and I release a sigh. I didn’t even worry about my hair that entire time, the baby a nice distraction from my concern that I’d be stuck with only one career choice after this little adventure is over. Who doesn’t want to join the circus though, right?

When I’m thoroughly rinsed, I tell Jen how I’d like her to style it, and she gives me a serious look. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Liam went through the trouble, so I don’t want all the effort to go to waste.”

“Okay, you’re the boss.”

I stare into the bathroom mirror and sigh. It’s short, like above my shoulders short, barely grazing the tops of them, and the light color makes me look like a completely different person. The panic in my chest seizes me and I wait for it to take control, but then I tell myself to get over it. If I want to stick with Liam, I need to have something to disguise me from what these guys following us know, and they know a long-haired brunette.

A knock at the door startles me for a moment. “Mo, dinner’s ready.” Liam’s voice comes through softly, and I wonder what he’s going to think.

No time like the present.

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