Page 26 of Take My Hand

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WITH MORTIFICATION FILLING every inch of me, I exit the bathroom and find Liam sitting at the small desk, if that’s what you’d consider the foot-wide table that looks like it might fall over if you breathe on it too hard. This motel is not one that would get five stars from me on Yelp, but in a pinch, it works.

The smell alone makes me want to gag, but I don’t complain, mostly because I know if I complain, Liam will use it against me in making me stay away from him, which is not what I want. Until this is over, I can’t leave his side. Otherwise I’ll be looking over my shoulder every second, waiting for the other shoe to drop—at least that’s what I tell myself, ignoring any other possibility for why I’d want to stay near him.

“What are you doing?” I ask softly, ignoring what went on thirty minutes ago. I was grateful I remembered to bring my clothes into the bathroom with me. He’s already seen enough.

“I’m just looking at the address Ricardo sent me.”


He looks at me then, sees I’m fully clothed, and gives me a small nod. “Yeah, he’s my contact with G3. He used to work for the Mexicans but switched sides a few years ago, better money for him with the Russians.”

“Right. So, when are you guys meeting?”


My stomach flips and nerves fill me. Worry gnaws at me when I think of him meeting with potentially dangerous people, but I tell myself I shouldn’t get attached. Liam is someone who doesn’t allow his personal feelings to dictate how he acts or what he does, and I need to do the same…even though it goes against everything I stand for.

“I want to go with you.” I try again, setting my chin high, holding a pose I hope looks confident.

He replies immediately. “No.” Standing in front of me, he holds himself a few inches away, and his height has him looming over me. I probably look like a toddler compared to him height-wise, but I stand tall, not letting him intimidate me.

“Liam, I can help you.”

He sighs and sets his hands on his hips. “I believe you think that”—I scoff my offense—“but this isn’t something you can help with. For one, if I suddenly show up with someone else, they’ll immediately think I work for someone. Second, this is too dangerous for you to be part of. You staying here is better for both of us—I need to focus.”

I relax slightly. I didn’t think about being a distraction for him. Considering how dangerous this supposedly is, I decide not to fight him on it for now. I do, however, ask myself why it is that I want to put myself at risk for a man I barely know.

It’s not long before Liam leaves to meet his contact, and horrible scenarios shoot through my head as I think of him out there alone, wondering who will show up. If they know he’s FBI, there’s a good chance they’ll kill him.

A slithering sense of panic slides into my thoughts and I pack up the small backpack I brought along with me. It’s not much, so it takes no time at all. Liam left me with a gun, and using what I learned when we practiced, I check the chamber, making sure it’s loaded, and put it in the back of my pants.

It’s not exactly comfortable, but it’ll have to do. I have to be able to protect myself, just in case.

A knock at the door startles me, and I look at the clock on the bedside table. Liam left twenty minutes ago, but he wouldn’t knock. I stay as quiet as possible, throwing my backpack over my shoulders, and then I grab my gun. A quick glance shows Liam left his bag behind, so I grab it as well.

I search the room and look for an escape.

There’s a window near the back of the room and I turn to inspect it. Since it’s an older motel, it doesn’t locked closed like others do. I open it quickly as another knock comes at the door. My pulse skyrockets as I push the screen out of the window and throw Liam’s bag out then quickly fall through it with an oomph.

And by that, I mean I fall on my face.

I shake it off as I hop to my feet and turn around. I take the extra seconds to close the window, hoping it won’t be obvious that I was there. Scooping up Liam’s bag, I keep my body bent and run the length of the motel to get a look around the other side.

There are two people standing in front of the door to our room, both wearing black, and I can see the distinct shape of a gun in a holster on the hip of the man closest to me. My defenses immediately rise.

Would they help us if they knew the truth? Liam said they didn’t trust him because he stopped checking in, but maybe they would if they understood the situation.

I make a decision and step out of the shadows, waiting to see if they notice. They don’t, and I instantly change my mind about talking to them. But, before I can slip away, they notice I’m there. I try to walk away as calmly as possible, but they still start after me.

“Hey, you!” I hear one of them yell, and I start running. This town is in the middle of nowhere, and there’s basically just the motel, a gas station, and a couple of rundown buildings.

I keep up the pace, grateful for the Converse I chose to wear instead of something that would make it impossible to run in. They yell at me to stop again, and I can feel them gaining on me, especially when a bullet whizzes past my body. Now they’re trying to kill me?

I’m still holding my gun, so I risk a look back and aim it behind me. I don’t take too great of care as I fire off three shots, hoping they hit someone. I feel a nasty bit of gratification when I hear a yell, and I keep running.

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