Page 36 of Take My Hand

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GROANING ECHOES ALL around me, but I can’t see anything. The black engulfs me from every angle, and I squeeze my eyes closed again against the pounding that fills my head. I can’t move my arms or legs, and I just know, without even seeing it, that I’m in some nasty cellar-type room. It’s just cliché enough to believe.

I cough and something warm fills my mouth. Ugh. The sharp taste of blood. Whatever happened, something or someone got a good shot at my mouth.

Whoever took me hasn’t paid me a visit recently, which is probably a blessing, but I’m kind of hoping I can use my charm to get some water from them. My throat is so parched that I feel like it’s been weeks since I was taken.

The only logical explanation is that G3 found us out.

Was someone following us? Maybe. It’s hard to say—unless the agents aren’t really FBI…but then that doesn’t really add up either, because then why would they pretend once they already had me? There would have been no reason to fake it, and how would they know where that safe house was? I may be pissed at Liam for what he did, but I don’t believe he would willingly let me go if he thought it was a trap.

I stay still to try to listen for any clues about where I am, but a ringing in my ears prevents me from hearing anything. I twist my head and feel a faint bit of tickling on my face then realize why it’s dark—someone put a bag over my head.

Great. “Way to be completely original, kidnappers!” I hope my yelling is heard so I can get that drink.

Honestly, the only good thing to come out of leaving Liam’s side is that Jen and Benny were out of danger before whomever it was decided to blow my ass up. I can’t imagine what it would have done to Mike if they had been in that explosion. He probably would have lost his mind.

It’s genuinely hard to remember what it was like before Liam came into my life, back when I was still using the app to find dates. I’ll bet Brad wasn’t a secret spy with enemies ready to use me against him, thinking of my last date on the app. Brad was a nice guy who worked for a car dealership, went home at six every night, and watched sports on the weekends.

If only he hadn’t gone straight to wanting sex before we’d even started our date, I might have actually gone out with him more than once.


My thoughts are interrupted by metal scraping on metal and the sounds of a door creaking open. I practically hold my breath, not ready for what could possibly be happening right now.

If only Liam hadn’t just thrown me to the wolves.

“Well, what a mess you’ve created.” The voice is deep and heavily accented, Russian, I think, and I can’t help but smirk at the predicament, like this is some sort of terrible movie.

“I’d like to point out that I wasn’t the reason any of this happened, just so it’s on record.” My sarcasm is clear even through the hoarseness of my voice.

“You’re funny. Let’s see if we can use that to our advantage.” He rips the cover off my head and I blink; I was totally right about being in a weird concrete cellar. It’s almost too cheesy to take seriously.

I look to the man who’s holding me hostage, and he regards me with amusement. His suit is a nice one that looks like it cost more than my minimum-wage-paid self could afford in a year. I would guess this guy is the boss, and that’s confirmed when two men step through the doors, both packing guns and standing behind him intimidatingly. One of them has a bandage on his hand, and it looks like he’s missing some fingers. My eyes widen slightly but I quickly try to school my features.

“What do you want from me?” I ask, tilting my head slightly and looking Boss Man in the eyes. The false bravado makes him raise an eyebrow, and I intend to continue making this lunatic think I’m not scared of him, even though I abso-fucking-lutely am.

“Nothing.” He shrugs, casually slipping a hand into the pocket of his slacks. When I take a minute to actually look at him, I notice that he’s a handsome man, despite, ya know, kidnapping people. I would say if he were on that dating app, I definitely would have swiped right.

Why am I thinking about that right now? Your life is in danger, Margaret—act like it!

“If you want nothing, why am I here?”

“Where’s Daniel?” he asks.

I raise an eyebrow at him like he did before. “Who?”

“Daniel.” He points over to me. “The man you were with.”

It dawns on me then who he’s talking about. It seems Liam didn’t use ‘Dan’ just for his dating profile. This man has no idea who he really is, and that’s not something I can just give away.

“Right. Daniel.” I nod my head seriously, using any acting skills I might have hidden deep down to try to stay on track with Boss Man. I shrug. “I have no idea.”

I don’t expect it, and that’s why it hurts so damn bad when he strikes me in the side of the face. I groan a little but bite my lip. Can’t let him get to me. This is about survival. You are a finalist on the show, and now you just need to win the money.

I wish my inner monologue would chill, but I can’t seem to help myself.

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