Page 12 of Venus Was Her Name

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Divide and conquer, that was his new motto because the last thing he needed was Jenny batting for Ace’s team come the day so somehow he had to score a point, if only he knew how. Oh yes, he’d thought about it a lot over the years, how he’d been usurped by that woman and her kid who’d stolen his dad’s time and love.

Lance had gotten used to his dad’s many girlfriends who came and went, they posed no threat, just more famous names for his contacts book. But Jenny had blindsided him; the nobody, the wacko singer in the band who muscled her way in, especially when the three of them left America and moved to La Babinais and turned it into a proper family home. If that wasn’t bad enough, his dad had adopted the nerdy-looking kid who latched on, endearing everyone he met and worse, wanted to stay with Daddy when his mommy flew the nest.

Lance remembered the day he’d been introduced to his new stepbrother and stepmum, and how happy his dad had looked when he’d picked him up at the airport, talking non-stop about how they could be one happy family. They’d walked into the lounge and found the interlopers seated on the rug in front of a log fire. Ace was playing with a puppy he’d named Scooby. Such a wholesome scene that made Lance feel sick. Joe had acted like the perfect dad and placed firm hands upon his son’s shoulders as he spoke, but instead of reassuring him, it felt like he was being controlled, forced to accept people he’d hated on throughout the lonely, transatlantic flight in first class.

‘Lance, say hello to Ace and Jenny. Ace, come and say hi to your big brother. He’s going to take care of you, aren’t you, kid?’

All fifteen-year-old Lance could do was nod and stare as four-year-old Ace stood and brought over the puppy. ‘Hi, would you like to hold him? Daddy bought him for me, but we can share. Your bedroom is next to mine. I helped Nanou get it ready for you. Do you want to come and see?’

Perhaps thinking Lance was shy or overwhelmed, Jenny also stood and filled the awkward gap with kind, understanding words, like she was a therapist or something.

‘Ace, honey. Let Lance get through the door before you pester him. He’s had a long flight and will have a thing called jet lag; so why don’t we go and find Nanou while Daddy takes him to his room. She’s made a special dinner for us all. Come on, it smells yummy.’

After giving Joe and Lance a conspiratorial wink, Jenny ushered Ace and his puppy out of the room which was a good thing because Lance had wanted to punch them all, even Scooby. His dad had never gotten him a puppy and in that moment he hated everything and everyone so much.

For the next long and arduous month Lance had faked being nice to Ace in front of the adults but in private had been as mean as he could get away with. Telling the kid to get out of his room and slamming the door in his face when he asked if they could watch TV together and giving him evils or kicking him under the dinner table. Lance enjoyed playing mind games with all of them, but Ace was the easiest target and by the end of the holiday he didn’t know if he was coming or going. Happy and grateful when Lance was kind, or played football and then snap, stunned and confused when they were alone, and his new big brother blanked him or told him about the bogeyman under his bed.

It was hard for Lance to leave. Not because he’d miss his dad; it was knowing that his little replacement would suck up all of his father’s attention and love, that’s what killed him. Envy and loathing seeped into his veins like poison because Lance always had to be number one, it was what he needed and expected.

Inevitably, being on the other side of the Atlantic meant Lance couldn’t compete with the full-time son and before he knew it, he was out of the picture and had to make do with scraps and share everything with Ace. That’s why his dad owed him big time, for not putting him first, moving to the back of beyond and leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves.

The bar was full now and Lance had used all his money. He was really drunk and when he stood, realised how badly. After making it through a doorway that swayed a lot, the blast of fresh air only made things worse and he knew there was no way he’d manage the walk home, up the hill to the farm. So pulling out his mobile he tapped the screen and waited for someone to answer. His dad rarely had his phone on him, he probably didn’t even know where it was so when it rang out, Lance tutted and tried the house, unsurprised when Nanou answered.

‘S’mee. Send Silv…,’ no way could he pronounce that in his state, ‘someone to pick me up from the village. I’m at the bar.’

When Nanou answered, Lance had no idea what she was ranting about, just the gist that she was well and truly pissed off with him, so, unsure whether someone was coming to get him or not he turned towards home, cursing as he shuffled up the hill. That bitch was so getting fired when he took over the reins. Things would be so different, then they’d all be sorry and the lot of them could go rot in hell.

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