Page 53 of Venus Was Her Name

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Wrung out, strung out, worn out. That summed Joe up. It had been one of the most tumultuous afternoons of his whole life. Once the tears had dried on the words of a poem that Joe was going to set to music because the lyrics had almost ripped his heart in two, they’d all talked more, and looked through the photos of Venus that Edie had kept in one of the envelopes.

They were snapshots of his daughter’s life from birth up to her death, and ones of Edie too. Everything he’d missed out on. Then Ace had brought up some stunning archive photos on his laptop. He was in awe of his beautiful stepsister, asking more questions that Edie answered as best she could. She also gave Joe and Ace a letter each, which she’d written before she came to France, explaining everything, her just-in-case contingency plan. The kid was bloody crazy, like him and her mum.

By the time Gus wandered in, bleary eyed and rested, and asked what he’d missed nobody quite knew where to start. Same thing when Nanou and Silvestre arrived but somehow, they managed to bring everyone up to speed before Oliver called with news. The lawyers had received a copy of the show, and it was being emailed straight over. It was due to air in the US at 2am French time, and they needed to get their act together so they could release a press statement first thing in the morning.

Not that Joe would admit it to anyone seated around the television in the lounge, but he didn’t think he could take any more which was why, as the sordid revelations came fast and thick he relaxed slightly when he realised there was at last some good news.

It was Denny who the women on camera were accusing, not Joe, Steve, or Chaz. They had also named three other men who had groomed, brainwashed, used then discarded them when they were underage. And from what Joe could tell his bandmate better hope that in the UK, Wendy’s parents didn’t push for the investigation into her death to be reopened because if the police agreed, Denny Sullivan was in deep shit.

NorthStar hadn’t come out of it totally unscathed, though, their wild antics were used to demonstrate the rock-and-roll lifestyle and culture that had lured the young women. One of them was Harlem who gave a lurid and from what he knew, honest and factual account of how she was treated by Denny and, sadly, Gus when he paid her off and silenced her. Her story wasn’t a happy one, she’d lived a troubled life after she’d been packed off home but somehow got it together and ended up in a good place with a husband, kids, and grandkids. Two more women had also pointed the finger at Denny and if Gus was right, there’d soon be a queue of them all waiting to tell their tale. Everyone in the room agreed that it served him right.

Joe also accepted that they would all suffer. The three remaining members of NorthStar were guilty by association but would just have to weather the storm, and nothing was as bad as what those women had been through. Joe was glad when the credits rolled because he’d seen enough of his face and tabloid headlines to last a lifetime. Turning to Gus, who looked like hell, Joe made a decision.

‘Okay, now we know what we’re dealing with, I think we should make a public statement in the morning. I’ll speak to Chaz and Steve, see if they want to do something in the UK but no matter what, I want us to distance ourselves from Denny. In fact, if I had my way I’d openly state that he was no longer associated with NorthStar, but I’ll leave that to Oliver and the lawyers.’

Gus nodded. ‘I agree. Let’s give it some thought over the next few hours but I’m certainly not up to going down there, and no way am I letting you and your mouth loose, so maybe Lance could do it. He’s helped me out a lot over the past few days and he is used to being in front of the camera.’

The praise from Gus didn’t wash with Joe, who saw his son’s helpfulness in an entirely different light, all part of an agenda, but now wasn’t the time to say so. Everyone turned their attention to Lance who uncharacteristically blushed, maybe a result of being under his father’s glare, not necessarily because he was flattered. ‘Yeah, I’ll read whatever your guys give me – but they’re going to want Dad to say something too. I reckon the journalists will have a thousand questions.’

Joe agreed. ‘They can fuck off. I’m not saying a word, but we’ll go down there as a family and face the cameras together – show a united front. Is everyone okay with that?’

He received nods from Jenny and Ace, although Nanou and Silvestre said they would prefer to stay home. Edie said nothing, and Joe suspected why. ‘That means you, too, Edie but before you go appearing in front of the world’s press, I think there’s someone you should ring. I was going to suggest it before Gus appeared. You should tell Bobbie where you are.’

Edie’s eyes were wide and taking her hand, Ace agreed. ‘Dad’s right. You need to get it over with and tell her what’s happened. This is a crazy time and there’s so much going on, so I think it will do you good to talk to her. Clear the air and your mind before the next drama in the Jarrett saga begins.’

Jenny chipped in. ‘Hey, Ede, don’t look so scared. I’m sure she’ll understand because she sounds like a lovely lady.’ Then she turned to Joe. ‘And I’m sure there’s things you need to say and it might be better to clear your head, too, before morning.’

Edie took a huge breath. ‘Okay, I’ll ring her now. Joe, I’ll explain first and then if she’s not flipped out or fainted, I’ll pass her on to you.’

The poor kid looked traumatised. In the last few hours, she’d been through the mill, accused of being a stalker, had her parents bad-mouthed, forced to trawl through the past and confess to stuff that must have been really difficult to say out loud, and all the time she would have been scared, and worried she’d lose Ace or be rejected.

Joe sighed. ‘I’ll be right by your side, love, if that’s what you want, whatever is best. Why don’t you use the office, where it’s more private?’

Edie nodded and stood, while Lance was already on his feet and pulling out his phone, heading away from the rest of the family. Joe shook his head, watching the back of his son as he strode away, off to lick his wounds and sulk. And even though Edie had forgiven Lance for going through her things, Joe hadn’t. He’d crossed the line, regardless of his motives. Lance only ever looked out for Lance and once all this mess was over with, Joe would be having words because his patience had finally run out.

Looking back towards Gus he saw his old friend was flagging. ‘Gus, why don’t you go get some rest and one of us will bring you some food up. Or are you up to joining us? Whatever Nanou is cooking smells good, so I say we all eat, once our Edie has made her call and then we can make a battle plan for tomorrow. And we need to give the police another call, see what they’ve turned up about my stalker… that’s playing on my mind.’

‘I’ll ring them now, and I’ve got just enough in the tank for a meal, then I’ll retire. I’ve got some paperwork I want to tidy up. It won’t take long but it’ll set my mind at rest if I tie up loose ends. I’ll wait here until Nanou dishes up. Now off you go, you have things to do.’ Gus laid his head back and watched as everyone made a move.

Joe stood too, but there was something in Gus’s words that had unsettled him or was he being oversensitive? After the day he’d had it wasn’t surprising but as he watched his friend close his eyes, Joe resolved to be vigilant and ensure that Gus took it easy over the next few days and was kept as stress free as possible.

‘Right, young lady, let’s get this over with.’ He held out his arm and when Edie slotted in beside him, fitting perfectly under his wing, they headed to the office.

Minutes later, while he and Ace hovered outside, the door closed on a very private conversation. He could imagine the beat of Edie’s heart and just about hear her voice when Bobbie answered. ‘Hello Gran… yes, yes I’m fine. Er, are you sitting down because I have some news? NO, no I’m not hurt. No, not in trouble either… bloody hell, Gran, just listen will you? Now this is going to be a really big shock and please don’t be angry, but I’ve done a bit of a mad thing. NO, I’m not pregnant… Gran! The thing is, I’ve told you a fib because I’m not with Lana – I’m with Joe, in France. I’m with grandad.’

The last three words made Joe smile.
