Page 59 of Venus Was Her Name

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An hour later they’d been around the houses with it all, and what it would mean for NorthStar; the furore, the press would be back, the ramifications for Wendy’s poor family who at least, police willing, would finally get some answers and with a bit of luck, Denny would get what was coming to him. Joe knew it would be nigh on impossible for the women in the US to bring him to justice there, but maybe, just maybe, he would answer for what he did to Wendy and any other British women who had been unlucky enough to fall prey.

‘Look I know this is going to be another nightmare, but we got through the last one, didn’t we? Us Jarretts are tough and we’re going to make this right, together, and that’s why I wanted to run a few things by you.’

They all nodded, looking dubious but who could blame them? ‘First things first, I think we should decamp and head to London as soon as, not least because Nanou and Silvestre deserve their freedom and they’re not going to get it while I’m here, and I’m sure the villagers are sick of the press too.’

Ace was the first to agree. ‘Dad’s right. It’s not fair on them and it is doing my head in being trapped here. I think it will be easier to be anonymous in a big city. We’re sitting ducks here.’ He turned to Edie. ‘What do you think? This wasn’t exactly the holiday we planned but hopefully we can come back soon and do all the things we said we would.’

Edie took Ace’s hand. ‘I’ll go with what you decide, whatever you want to do is fine and we will be back, I know it.’

Joe let out a sigh. ‘Exactly. And you can go see Bobbie, or she can come to us in London, whatever is best. And we’ll be near to the management offices and you two can start planning your trip, get the ball rolling. We’ll have Christmas in London this year and let Nanou do her own thing with her family for once. Jen, I reckon the rural life is taking its toll and you’re eager to get away, but you know you’re welcome to come to Notting Hill if you want, it’s your call.’

Jenny shook her head. ‘I think I’ll head back to Hector and hole up at the ranch before the next round of fun and games begins. You can call me if you need me. I’m only a Zoom away.’

Now for the awkward son. Joe’s eyes rested on Lance who met his gaze, knowing what was coming. ‘Earlier Lance and I had a little chat and I explained to him that Oliver will be taking over Gus’s role. Oliver has appointed his own replacement.’ That had gone down like a lead balloon, and his son had looked like his world was going to collapse.

‘However, I was impressed with how Lance stepped up to the mark when Gus was sick, and I had an idea.’ What had really happened was that Lance was given an ultimatum. ‘Lance is going to relocate to London and work for Oliver, learn the ropes and, maybe, get involved in a new venture that I’ll explain about in a minute. It’ll be a chance to meet new people and hopefully carve a new career for himself and he’s up for a challenge, aren’t you, mate?’

Joe looked at Lance and gave him a chance to save face, which he took. ‘Yep, really looking forward to it… I love London as the crazy tourist hats say, so I can’t wait to get started.’

While Jenny and the others congratulated Lance, they had no clue that in return for his debts being cleared, Joe’s LA brat would be living rent free at a nice pad in West London, but starting right at the bottom at Gus’s agency, on the same salary as everyone else, no frills or perks, no favours. During their shit or bust chat, Joe also pointed out that Lance was free to go back to LA and try to get a job there. The thing was that during his time in France, and specifically during the press invasion, Lance’s Beverly Hills friends hadn’t exactly been supportive, in fact, even Lance admitted that many had distanced themselves. It was time for a fresh start and some new and hopefully more genuine acquaintances.

It was Edie who spoke next, picking up on something Joe had mentioned earlier. ‘So, what are these new ventures you mentioned? I’m intrigued.’

Joe leant forward in his chair and rested his arms on the table, then looked from one to the other pensively. ‘Well, this is where all of you could help, get involved but in different ways.’

Ace looked really curious. ‘Us, how?’

Leaning back in his chair Joe folded his arms over his weary bones and smiled, and while he had a captive audience, told them exactly where his drug-addled, whisky-soaked brain had been at for the last six days.
