Page 10 of Fallen

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Subconsciously, she runs her tongue along her lower lip, provoking the tension in my body. Every man on that table is staring at her and God knows I want to punch them all for even looking at her, even though it isn’t their fault. In a black tight dress, matching my suit color, with her hair left loose on her shoulder, she looks addictive as always as she presents the meeting taking a sip of her drink.

The clock ticks like a bomb going to detonate, with only her authoritative voice resonating in the VIP lounge.

Even being 15 feet away from her, I know she can feel the heat radiating off my body,for her.

As if she reads my thoughts, her eyes land on me again, knowing very well I have been gawking at her with no regrets.

A subtle blush mixed with anger runs through her smooth olive skin as our gaze holds each other’s which is nothing new. Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear she turns to her laptop screen again, blazing the fire in my chest. If only she knew she was stealing my goddamn breath.

After a few minutes of intense drooling, I finish my drink, pay and get up to leave. There hasn’t been a single minute when she didn’t pass me a glance throughout these twenty minutes. She is desperate to know why I am here and she would know that soon. Giving her a final stare knowing very well her meeting is also going to get over in a few minutes, I make my way out and find her staring at me angrily in her reflection in the mirror before me.

Whenever I am around her, my body hums uniquely as it happened when I was around Jhanvi. It’s confusing why I feel that same feeling for this woman. It can’t be just their common face drawing me to her. It’s more. I know it’s more and until I get to the roots of it, I am not going to let her get away from my sight or life ever. That’s Aarav Raichand’s promise.



I can’t believe the nerve of this man. He didn’t just stalk me a few days back but he also came here to intrude in my meeting? How did he know I was in Marriott? Was he still stalking me? Didn’t I send him a clear warning through Aman Mathur already or was this just a coincidence that he happened to be at the same place at the same time as me?

When I drive back to my Villa, finishing the meeting, I realize his Black Bugatti is following me again. This is heights. If Aarav wanted my attention, he could have waited till the meeting got over. Why trail me like this? I ask my driver, John to dodge his vehicle somehow but despite taking different lanes, longer routes and increasing the speed, we can’t skip the advances of Bugatti. That’s it. I am not going to run like this without knowing his intentions.

“Slow down the car and park it aside, John.”

John follows my instructions and parks the car which obviously Aarav takes a few extra seconds to apprehend and in the attempt of slowing down, he loses the balance on his car and hits the sidewall at the edge of the road. The impact sends goosebumps to my body.

“OMG, John, bring the first aid,” I shout before running to Aarav’s car to help him out of it. The door opens by the time I reach there and Aarav Raichand stumbles, trying to get down from the car. He had taken out his suit jacket while driving and it is only now that I realize how intense this man looks up-close in a white buttoned-down shirt. For a woman like me who doesn't remember appraising even her boyfriend so far, it’s scary how easily my feelings come out for a stranger like him.

Aarav is drunk which obviously I had seen him doing but he is still very much within his limits for driving. Maybe I shouldn’t have surprised him by parking the car in the middle of the road like that. A part of me feels responsible for this little accident but the other part doesn't mind scolding him for his silliness.

“This is what happens, Mr. Raichand, when you cross your limits.”

I pin him to the door of his car once he is out, checking for the bruises on his forehead. He might have hit his head to the steering wheel when the car dashed with the wall which is why his forehead is bleeding. There’s another scar on his left upper arm, just above his toned muscles which I can see because his shirt has torn on his arm due to the impact. He surely needs to see a doctor and get these bruises treated.

John reaches me with the first aid and I ask him to steady the Bugatti and get it back on the main road while I drag Aarav Raichand to the side where I can treat his fresh wounds.

“No one touches my car,” Aarav snaps at John as he opens the car door frightening my driver, but I gesture him to go ahead and then meet Aarav’s gaze again.

“You are no longer in that state to put forth your choice. Am I clear?”

He doesn’t respond nor I wait. Opening the kit, I take out a cotton ball and clean his forehead wounds.

“I shouldn’t be doing this you know? What is it that you want from me? Haven’t you and Aman already threatened us not to eye on your company? Is there anything else left for you to convey to us, that you are following me all the time in this giant vehicle of yours? Or are you one of those who like to flaunt their expensive cars to your new rivals?”

I say all that in one breath, healing his wounds and the moment I look in his eyes, I realize he is grinning. The air between us thickens. His dismissal to my anger fuels it all the more. Suddenly I become even more conscious that I’m too close to him and invading our personal spaces. So close that I can literally hear his heart beating or is it mine? Or are our hearts beating in sync? Shit. What is happening? Instantly, I take a step away, feeling totally nervous and confused before Aarav Raichand, a trait I am not very used to. I’m always on the side of dominance but with Aarav Raichand, it seems like he overpowers me even with his silence. I always thought most men had the same scent but Aarav has a unique scent that did things to my mind and body I never realized was possible. What the hell is wrong with me when I’m around him?

The ring on his phone breaks our trance and the moment he disconnects that incoming call, my eyes glues to his phone wallpaper and my heart skips a beat witnessing my photo on it. Damn hell!

“What is my picture doing on your phone?”

The grin on his face turns into something darker.

He clutches the phone in his palm as if to hide it from me and it rages me even more.

“Delete my picture from your phone, Mr. Raichand. This is a violation of my rights,” I scold him and try to snatch his phone to delete my picture, when Aarav clutches my arms, drawing me closer.

“That’s not you.” His voice is dangerously low, daring me to end this topic but I don’t.

“Any fool would say it is me.”
