Page 9 of Fallen

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“I am here fighting that business battle with her and you are busy stalking her? Why Aarav? You know she is not Jhanvi. We have gone through this already.”

I shut my eyes for a few seconds to calm myself. When I open them again, Aman is still furious at me. I change the subject.

“How was your meeting with Rudra Singh?” I enquire.

“I didn’t meet Rudra. It was Khushi Thakur I spoke to.”

My heart skips a beat. Aman met her?

“How’s she?” I almost whisper, but Aman goes mad again.

“God, Aarav. Are you even listening to us? She is not Jhanvi. And most importantly, she is no single either that I would let you stalk her. She is dating Rudra Singh. He is her boyfriend.”

“From 6 years, I know.”

My cool voice startles him again.

“And?” He tries to decipher what I mean by that.

“Who dates that long, Aman?”

Aman goes blank.

“People who love each other turn their relationship towards marriage at some point. They don’t have to wait for so many years unless they want to make their careers or fulfil some other goals in their life. I don’t think Rudra Singh and Khushi Thakur, as everyone calls her, had any such hurdles in their path. Why didn’t they marry yet?”

Aman gives me a scorned look.

“Firstly, Aarav,” he snaps. “It is completely their choice when to marry or in fact even to marry or not. They live in the USA and people there might never want to get married which is fine. And secondly-”

He leans over my table, pressing his fists on my desk, hard.

“We have proofs she is Khushi Thakur. No matter how much you think she might be Jhanvi that fact is never going to change.”

My jaw clenches but he has more to say.

“Khushi has specifically warned if you stalk her again, she is going to take legal action.”

“Will she?” I smirk but relax too. None of her threats scares me and the vibes that they give me are similar to what I felt during my chase for Jhanvi before I forced her to marry me.

“Aarav.” Aman’s voice brings me out of my stupor. “Let me handle the RS Group. At least the meeting parts. You can make the decisions you want but don’t mess it up, please. It’s a request.”

I blankly nod. Now that Aman has mentioned Rudra and her relationship, I really need to know more about them. If Jhanvi’s exit from my life had taken away my focus, Khushi Thakur’s entry has renewed it and all I want now is to prove my heart that it is wrong and everyone else is right. That she is not my wife and hence I should stay away from her.

As soon as Aman leaves, I call up my spy contact, Akash Sen to keep track of Khushi Thakur’s daily schedules. Akash has done this before for Jhanvi when she was in London and when she came to India to marry Mohit. Now I want him to do the same for Khushi Thakur.


Three days later Akash informs me about this business meet Khushi Thakur has in the lounge of Marriott hotel in Juhu. This is the first time she is going to be somewhere apart from her home or office and I don’t want to skip this chance. So, grabbing my keys I march to my car to drive to Marriott.


Marriott Hotel

The Manager tells me about an ongoing business meeting of the RS Group in the VIP Lounge, yet I manage to get an entry there for the drinks. My steps in the lounge waver the moment my eyes land on her. She is sitting with around 8 men in suits and 3 women at a table at the far end and I am lucky to have the bar quite close to that table so I could gawk at her. She’s talking to one of the men, almost arguing too over a point when the server serves them all their drinks. Rudra Singh is missing which I am glad for.

A swig of her drink and she looks in my direction as if she senses me around. My presence surprises her but she has no time to examine her feelings as the people on the table demand her attention again. She puts the glass down and I suddenly recall the moment in London when Jhanvi was wearing a similar outfit like the one Khushi is wearing today and got sloshed seeing her friends flirting with me. We had our second kiss that night in the private booth of that club. Shrugging those thoughts for the moment, I head to the bar and order my drink, not leaving my gaze on her.

Her confidence dithers for a few seconds by my presence so close, but then she continues like I don’t exist here.
