Page 12 of Fallen

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He murmurs some numbers and it takes me another minute to apprehend what they are. I dial it and the phone unlocks. I scroll through his call logs and find Aman Mathur’s contact. Aman should be on his speed dial from now on. Before calling up Aman, I set that and once Aman answers the call, I inform him about this situation.

In twenty minutes, Aman reaches my Villa and rushes to Aarav’s car where he and I have both seated inside. The rain has stopped. Aarav has dozed off with his wet clothes clinging to his body, giving a clear view of his hardened muscles. He’s a unique male species I have never seen so closely before.

“Oh my god,” Aman exclaims as he opens Aarav’s side car door. “Is he okay?”

“He’s passed out. He has fever too.”

“Gosh,” Aman swallows nervously before looking at me. “Thank you for informing me.. I … I will take care of him from here.”

I get down the car and Aman takes the wheel. He leaves his car promising to ask his driver to pick it up in the morning and then drives Aarav Raichand off my place. I finally take a sigh of relief but my heart is still thumping. Aarav is a mess and probably he meeting a woman like me who is a lookalike of his wife is getting him messier than before. I sympathize with him. I really do.



My head hurts and my body feels heavy as I wake up. The strong beam of sunlight forces me to shut my eyes again.

“Close the darn curtains,” I yell, but only if someone in the room acknowledges my command.

With great difficulty, I finally get down from the bed and draw the curtains and the room becomes dark again. I’m home and it’s morning. Wait. How did I come home? I don’t remember anything.

The door slams open and Aman enters with the remedy for my hangover. He’s always been someone who knows what I want before I even realize I need it. Aman gives me a strong glare before passing me the glass and then crosses his arms as if waiting for me to finish.

“What?” I gulp the liquid in a go.

“You remember where you were last night and in what condition?” Aman inquires, and flashes from last night fill my mind.

I was before Khushi Thakur’s Villa, drinking and just like every night, she didn’t shoo me away. She knew I came there for her and most importantly, she never failed to sweep a few glances at me from the balcony. But if I don't recall anything else, it implies I fell unconscious and she might have phoned Aman. Suddenly weak images of my fingers grazing her lips flashes before my eyes. My body stiffens at the very thought of her reactions to my touch.

“You should be thankful that Khushi didn’t call the police but me.”

Aman’s remark breaks my trance.

He then walks over to the curtains and pulls them open.

“Shut them, Aman.”

“I won’t.” He turns around. “Because I want you to see things in light.”

He reaches me again and holds my arms, forcing me to look at him.

“Khushi Thakur is our competitor. The media is already loving our business tiff, and by driving at her house, you are adding fuel to the fire in a personal way. Aarav, don't do that. I’ve told you. It’s foolish.”

I look away shrugging off his arms.

“I’m sure this is not the first time you played that stunt last night, did you?” he snarls.

“Three nights,” I bark.

He is shocked at my response and the braveness with which I am giving him the truth.

“From three nights you are driving there and drinking, without worrying for your damn health, Aarav? What the hell is wrong with you? You know she is not Jhanvi then why do you go there?”

“I go there every night to prove myself she is not Jhanvi and just has the same face like hers,” I yell, losing my calm. “But..” my throat dries. “But I return home feeling a bit more that she is the one.. that she is myJaan.”

Tears cloud my vision as I stare at the picture of Jhanvi on the wall ahead. It’s not just the face but the way our hearts sync when I’m close to Khushi that makes me believe she is my Jhanvi. She is that missing part of my life that I have to fix in order to give relief to both of us.

“Aarav,” Aman interrupts my thoughts. I quickly wipe tears from the corner of my eyes before turning back to him. “When is this going to stop?” Aman queries.
