Page 13 of Fallen

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He has a valid point.

“When my heart stops beating for her.”

Aman groans and marches to the door before turning again.

“You are not coming to the office today as you have a fever. And Aarvi is not home. I’ve sent her to Jaya who will take care of her. You stay home and rest. I’ll see you at night so that you don’t drive back to Khushi Thakur. And don’t you dare touch alcohol again otherwise I am emptying your home minibar. And it’s not a joke.”

He barges out leaving a smile on my face. Aman will never stop caring for me.


The whole day I spend alone in bed and doing some work on my laptop, but nothing stops me from thinking about Khushi. She’s getting under my skin too fast and exactly in the same way Jhanvi did, which is why I believe she’s the one. I can be wrong at anything, but this feeling that I get every time I am close to Khushi cannot be wrong. Why has Aman taken my daughter away? I could have spent some time with her to ease my anxiety of driving to Khushi’s Villa tonight, but Aman is right. With me sick, Aarvi around would not be good.

It's late in the evening when I get a call from Akash, who appears to be quite thrilled about something.

“What have you got, Akash?”

“Too much news, but it’s complex.”

I switch to video call as he continues to explain to me what he found.

“Okay, look. I have observed Khushi Thakur for the past 3 days and she’s exhibiting none of the traits which Jhanvi did.”

My heart sinks. I already had proof of Khushi’s past life, and that she is a different identity but Akash finding more evidence meant the chances of her being my Jhanvi were dwindling.


My gaze intensifies as he picks a paper and shows that to me.

“Rudra Singh visited Scotland the same week you and Jhanvi did two years ago.”

That’s too much of a coincidence but that doesn't prove anything yet.

“And,” Akash then shows me another paper. “This one here is a copy of his return ticket to the USA with Khushi Thakur exactly one week after Jhanvi’s accident.”

“What do you want to say, Akash?”

“I don’t have a confirmation yet but what I want to say is that there is no proper record that Khushi Thakur had entered Scotland. Only her exit is confirmed.”

How’s that possible?

“What about her passport?” I query. “That should have an immigration stamp when she entered Scotland.”

“It should, but seems like she lost her passport in Scotland or at least that's the justification they offered for getting another passport quickly issued to her from the embassy, and the one she used on her outward journey back to the United States.”

Something is fishy.

“Too many coincidences, don’t you think? First Rudra being there in Scotland exactly at the same time as you and Jhanvi. No track of Khushi’s entry in Scotland and passport getting lost.”

Akash is right. What is it that we are missing here?

“I have a few contacts in Scotland that can assist me in digging up further information. Let me see what I can come up with.”

“Do that.” I nod.

I'm not sure what these signs are, but I'm not going to miss any opportunities to learn more about this mysterious woman Khushi Thakur. If there is even a 0.01 percent chance that she is Jhanvi, I can’t wait to bring her back into my life.

“I can’t guarantee you anything, Aarav” Akash adds, breaking my stupor. “Because if Khushi is Jhanvi, why wouldn’t she recognize you? And again, that car accident was too bad for her to survive.”
