Page 24 of Fallen

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What should I tell her now? It’s her birthday today so I can’t even shout at her. To be honest, it’s not her mistake. How would Sakshi know what’s happening in my life here in Mumbai? I almost lost touch with her in these few months all because of this work. Plus, she too was busy in her family life.

“Nothing Sakshi. Don’t bother. I’ll handle it.”

“Sure? You sound very angry.”

I take a deep breath before continuing to pack my bags.

“Work pressure. Nothing else.” I pick a few nightdresses from the closet and dump them in the bag.

“How much will you work? I don’t think you have taken a break in a long time. Why don’t you come to Singapore for a few days?”

“I’ll think about it. For now, I am flying to Bangalore for a Conference. Should be back in 3 -4 days.”

“Oh, I see. How’s Rudra? All good between you two?”

I don’t know what to answer. Ever since that Taj incident happened and I gave an excuse of sickness and didn’t turn up for the dinner date, Rudra is not in a very good mood. That’s the only reason why I didn’t share with him whatever conversation happened between me and Aarav Raichand in Taj because I know Rudra wouldn’t mind leading this situation wrongly. For now, we had to focus on business rather than such personal issues which is why I wasn’t interested in sharing any details about my war with Aarav Raichand yet.

“All is well between us,” I lie to Sakshi and then wind up the call. I have a flight to board in four hours.


Hyatt Hotel - Bangalore

I complete the check-in formalities at the reception desk when the key slips from my hand. When I lean down to pick it up, someone else grabs it before me.Aarav Raichand!!What is he doing here? He’s again in a dark grey suit today. It looks like he has the right number of muscles to fill out suits to dangerous levels. Muscles which can make women envious of the fabric covering his body. He even has the hottest stubble growing along his square jaw. I shouldn’t be checking him out and to appreciate a good-looking man has never been my style, so I try to ignore him and try to snatch the key from his fingers when he pulls his hand away.

“You came all the way here stalking me again?” My tone should convey to him how pissed I am to see him in the same hotel as me.

He scans the key card as if to know my room number before fixing his gaze back on me.

“Though I admit I love stalking you, RS Group is not the only one to participate in this conference, Jaa-” he pauses without completing that word but instead of correcting himself, he just grins, which fumes me all the more.

“One more time you call me that, see what happens.”

He takes a step forward.

“We have done this before. You disliked me calling you Jaan and yet this was the only name on my lips which has turned you on at every instance.”

“Don’t cross your limits, Aarav. You already have, by speaking to my friend Sakshi in Singapore.”

“You could have saved my efforts flying there by telling me the truth. But you didn’t.”

“Why should I tell you about my personal life? You mean nothing to me.”

“I do,” he corrects me in a serious tone. “I mean everything to you and the day you’ll remember that, you are going to repent for not trusting my instincts.”

I am speechless for a moment. He is so confident about his claim that at times it puts me into a dilemma if that’s really possible? Could I be Jhanvi and not Khushi Thakur?

Aarav closes the gap between us and cups my face in between his hot palms. Him this close to my body should scare me but instead, I am shamelessly staring at him as he eyes me up and down with hunger swirling behind his gaze.

“I'm sorry you lost your memories, which is why you don't recognize me or the life we've shared so far. It's difficult for you to believe what I'm saying right now, but I still want you to give it a shot. If you don't want me to call you Jhanvi or Jaan, I won't do that until you want me to. But we have a connection. We always had. Just shut all other thoughts and listen to what your heart says. Your heart has the proof of what you feel for me. That’s the only thing you can rely on until I get you all the evidence that you are mine.”

I swallow the lump in my throat at his words. The space feels cramped up suddenly. My heart begins to beat wildly in my chest as I process whatever he said just now. What if he really gets the evidence that I am not Khushi? What will be my future then? The mere thought of that uncertainty makes me shrug his arms from my face and step away. Aarav’s brows pull together in a frown.

“You are highly mistaken, Aarav. I know my heart better than anyone else and no, it never gave me any sorts of signals that connect me to you.”

I snatch the key from him while he remains silent.

“You have to stop this madness of proving me as your wife before it consumes you. And stay f*cking away from me.”

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