Page 3 of Fallen

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“You don’t have a choice, Aarav. I am flying to Canada in two days which means you are the only one to represent AR Group at that party. If you don’t, the media and our competitors will get more excuses to gossip about us and we don’t want that. So, please. This is the best way to show both the media and RS Group that they are messing with the wrong Company. And Aarav Raichand is back! Officially! Please.”

Aman has a point and though I am least interested in attending a business party, I agree.

“Where is the party?”

“The Leela Palace. And please get rid of that long hair and beard first. You look like a Tarzan.”

I roll my eyes, taking another swig of my brandy. Aman and his ways of teasing me can never get old. But he is right. If I’ve to get back to work, I need to get rid of my Tarzan look.




For two years I have refrained from mingling with the public or being social but as Aman said, this party couldn’t be skipped. He has a strong feeling the RS Group have a keen eye on my company and that’s why they must know whom they are dealing with. So, I am here at the Leela Palace in a cream suit and white shirt complimenting my tan shoes, holding a glass of wine, meeting people after a long time. Most of them here are business acquaintances and they know who I am which is why they also have sympathy in their eyes for my loss. I hate that feeling. These people have always seen me flaunting my wife in such parties before. They have witnessed my hungry eyes on her every time she looked at me from her group where she conversed with the other women in her circle. And least, they have also seen us ditching the rest of the event hours to return home and spend time with each other rather than these boring parties. So now that I’ve lost my wife and am alone at this party, they pity me. I don’t want their empathy and I swear I’ll be out of here once I serve my purpose.


A familiar voice breaks my reverie and I turn around. It’s Mohit Raichand, my stepbrother. Of course, Mohit had to be here as the invitation had gone out to almost every strong competitor of RS Group of Companies. Mohit has worked tirelessly over the last few years to propel my grandfather's company, DG Group, to heights that no other company has reached. And though he gave me half of the credit for the same, I would still say it’s his sincere efforts that made it possible. There was a time when I loathed Mohit for getting all the rights, love and pampering from my grandmother while I was been treated as the Forbidden Heir, but now, we have finally made peace with each other. He stays with his wife Sophia in London half of the year and the other half they are here in India. In their absence, I make sure my grandmother, Durga Raichand stays with me in AR Mansion as she is quite old to look after herself.

“It's great to see you, brother, especially at such a public event.” Mohit approaches me and gives me a tight hug. “Aman told me you would be here.”

I take a swig of my drink keeping my eyes on the crowd. Where is that Rudra Singh?

“Daadi misses you,” Mohit adds. “Why don’t you come over tonight after this party and meet her?”

“I’ll see her this weekend,” I assure, but he knows I might change my plans again at the end moment. Nothing about me is predictable these days since Jhanvi left me. She was that thread which connected me to the rest of my family, making sure I give them my equal time and attention. Now, after her, handling all this seems difficult.

“Hello, Raichands.”

We both look at the side only to find Rudra Singh approaching us. I had seen his picture before coming to this party and he looks the same – cunning and competitive. In a black suit, he reaches us with his Champagne glass.

“Mohit Raichand,” Mohit shakes hands with him and then Rudra meets my gaze.

“Aarav Raichand. You have no idea how desperate I was to meet you.”

I stare at his extended hand for a second before shaking it formally.

“I hope you don’t mind we giving AR Group some competition, Mr. Raichand?”

“Not a chance, Mr. Singh,” I smirk. “Healthy competition is what keeps my Company going and achieving better than before. But let me warn you one thing.” I step closer to him. “One wrong step in my direction, and I’ll make sure your company crumples down as fast as it had risen in the last two years.”

Mohit grips my shoulder as a gesture to cool me down. No, I am not here to fight but this warning was necessary. I spent two nights studying and analysing how RS Group has taken up weak businesses and expanded their firm. It was certainly beneficial to their business, but if they think about mine, I won't mind tampering whatever they have so far.

Rudra lets out a sarcastic laugh.

“It will be fun to see who wins then.”

He then looks behind me and his smile deepens.

“There she is, Mr. Raichand. The woman behind this competition and the one who will undoubtedly make it difficult for you to keep your company's sanity from now on. My girlfriend, Khushi Thakur.”

I don’t turn. I don’t have to. She reaches from behind me and gives a tight hug to Rudra, right before my eyes. Wearing a backless long black satin gown, with a thigh-high slit at her right leg, she could make any man lose his sanity for sure, and the very next instant when she turns around, my body freezes.Jhanvi?

My heart skips a beat as my eyes clash with her stunning black ones. For a moment, I stay there, too confused to move, unsure if she is really standing before me.Alive. Was that possible? Could my wife be alive? But why did Rudra call her Khushi? My fists clench and unclench as she talks to Rudra who introduces us and I’ve to fight my erratic heartbeat to keep in pace with my heavy breathing.

Her face registers a briefer flick of surprise as I fist the whiskey glass in my hand so hard that it literally breaks, bruising my palm and blood oozes out of it.
