Page 30 of Fallen

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“Our intel tells us that someone from our company has leaked this information to RS Group. Our team is looking into that already so this can be avoided next time but, it’s not good news Aarav. You know the profits of this Project, had we bagged it, would have gone directly to the Sikand Charity Trust.”

I know. Jhanvi founded the Sikand Charity Trust and she had been handling it all alone. But after that accident, the trust management weakened and they couldn’t get more funding for their recent initiatives which was why I decided to re-route some of my profits from AR Group to the trust for its continued operation.

I turn to the glass doors of the conference room where I find Khushi dragging her bags towards the reception desk. She is checking out from the hotel. Goddammit. I disconnect the call and stride out of the conference room, asking my team to wait until I am back. They have no choice but to follow orders.

“I am checking out,” Khushi saysas she hands over the keys to the staff and waits for the formalities to complete when I reach her.


She jerks at my sudden intrusion and when our eyes meet, I feel that same spark in her gaze, the one she had last night when we kissed. But I am far too annoyed to think of intimacy at this moment so I am the first one to speak again.

“You managed to sneak into my tender quotes and won the deal with the MKB Industries.”

She clenches her jaw.

“I’d warned you, Aarav. If you had paid a little less attention to me and focused on your Business and its loopholes, you wouldn’t be nagging about me sneaking today.”

The reception desk staff hands her the final copy of the bill settled along with her credit card bringing our chat to a halt.

“I’ll need a cab for the airport.”

“Sure, Ma’am. I’ll arrange one.”

“I’ll wait at the lobby until then.”

She turns towards the seating area in the lobby whereas I don’t let her pass me that easily without finishing this conversation. So, I grab her wrist and drag her to a remote spot where no one can bother us.

“Aarav, what nonsense is this? Leave my hand,” She shouts as if I am that good enough in taking orders. The moment we are aloof, I leave her hand.

“What are you doing, Jaan? Why-”

“Khushi,” she corrects me and I don’t like it. “Call me Khushi because that’s my identity so far.”

“I can’t believe you are saying this even after getting the proof last night.”

“I don’t consider them enough proof for me to ignore the past two years of my life, Aarav.”

“No?” I stride closer. “Then what was that little moment we shared in your room?”

Annoyance mixed with embarrassment bubbles on her face.

“Whatever it was, I am leaving it there. I was drunk and no offense but you too didn’t leave a chance to feel me up. It was a mistake.”

“Mistake?” I let out a frustrated groan and took a step towards her. “You know what your real mistake is? You are ignoring every sign of your body and the ones God wants to show you so that you accept your real identity. You can’t turn blind to so many evidences.”

She gives me a cold stare. Hard to believe she is the same woman who kissed me last night. Today she is behaving like a typical stranger.

“What’s bothering you more, Aarav? My ignorance to last night or that you lost your deal to my company?” she mocks.

The haze in the air flares with every inhale as I gauge the intentions of this woman standing before me. My Jhanvi wasn’t so brutal, cruel and heartless. But unfortunately, that’s what she has turned herself into, living with people like Rudra Singh.

“You can sit and grieve on your defeat however long you wish to, but I have a flight to catch. Goodbye.”

She is about to make a move when I grab her arms and pin her to the wall again. I know there are CCTV cameras around and soon the security would be here.

“Back off, Aarav,” Khushi snaps.

“Don’t turn me back into the vengeful man I was before, Jaan. Thank your stars you don’t remember him anymore. Your crooked methods of snatching this deal from AR Group is directly affecting the existence of Sikand Charity Trust. You have slogged for years to bring smiles to the lives of people through that trust. Don’t bring it all down with your silly tactics. Be the woman you used to be once, not the one you are at the present.”
