Page 42 of Fallen

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“Help,” I scream, trying my best to kick them off from me but they are too strong. I am still doing my best to keep their filthy hands from touching me when suddenly someone drags them away from my body and punches each of them so hard that these drunkards fall on the ground together. Taking a sigh of relief for being saved, I turn to see the man who helped me, only to be stunned realizing he is Aarav Raichand who is now beating those two men black and blue.

“How dare you touch her?” He mutters in rage, breaking the arm of the first guy who yelps in pain.

I instantly pick up my fallen phone and dial the police station. Just when I finish informing about the incident and our location, I notice the second man trying to hit Aarav’s head with a stone.

“Aarav watch out,” I scream.

Aarav manages to save himself and the very next instant he kicks the other man’s groin where it hurts the most. I am too shocked to see Aarav alone fighting for me. He then kneels on the second guy and punches his face twice, thrice, and continuously, until that man bleeds from his nose and mouth. I have to stop him otherwise Aarav wouldn’t mind killing them tonight.

“Aarav stop,” I shout, marching towards him. “Aarav, please stop. You will kill him.”

He pays heed to none of my words and keeps hitting the man until we finally hear the siren of the police vehicle. Before I reach Aarav, the policemen circle him and pull him off the wounded and unconscious man, from Aarav’s grip. Aarav still doesn't stop and kicks the man, almost ready to even stamp him and crack his neck. That’s when I pull him to me.

“Enough. You’ve almost killed him. Just… stop.. please.”

Tears spill from my eyes and though I’ve always been strong in every hard situation of my life, today’s incident just sucked my bloody confidence. I shouldn’t have risked being alone on a deserted road like this.

Aarav shrugs my hand, anger still simmering in his body, whilst the police take the two men away. They are definitely going to the hospital because the way Aarav has beaten them, they aren’t in a good state to even open their eyes.

“Mr. Raichand, you and your partner will have to come to the police station to give your statement.”

I am about to agree when Aarav pulls me back, staring at the inspector.

“I’ll ask my team to contact you for the statement, Inspector. You should hear from us soon.”

The policeman agrees and leaves the scene. I take a sigh of relief that somehow this situation is handled. Thank God I called the police otherwise Aarav would have killed them here. That reminds me this man needs some warning too. I turn around, enraged.

“Are you out of your mind? You could have killed them.”

He brushes his finger through his hair in frustration.

“Why the hell are you at this place? Where is your bloody driver?” he cross-questions me.

“My …” I pause. Why am I even answering him when he didn’t care to respond to my questions? I am about to retort when he sees the little scar I got on my left arm when these men had pinned me to the car.

“Damn, you are bleeding. Come here.” Aarav drags me to his vehicle and though I want to tell him I am fine and he doesn't need to bother, I can’t. He removes the first aid kit from his car and then starts cleaning my wound.

It hurts a bit and when I wince, Aarav gently blows on my bruise to make it feel better. It’s soothing to watch him tend me. Everything about him is magical. Especially his hot breath. I stare at him as he continues to attend to my bruise which is just above my elbow.

“Ma’am?” John intervenes. He is back with a mechanic. “What happened here?” He sees the police vehicles driving away.

Before I can respond, Aarav turns around to him.

“How dare you leave her alone? Your job is to make her reach safe. Where the hell were you?” he shouts at John.

I have seen Rudra shouting unnecessarily at the staff, but Aarav is genuinely concerned for me which is why he is acting so protective.

“Sir, I…”

“You listen to me once for all mister,” he scowls back at John. “Next time I find you leaving her alone you are not just going to lose your job but your bloody life too. Do you understand?”

John shivers at this warning so I have to intervene.

“John, get the car serviced and please book a cab for me. I am going back home.”

“You are going back home inmycar,” Aarav declares and before I can even argue, Aarav opens the passenger seat door to let me inside. I nod at John who follows my unsaid instructions and leaves.

Once I am seated, Aarav starts the engine and we are soon off the road. It was one fateful night. Silence engulfs us but not for too long as my phone rings harshly. Aarav glances at my phone and then at me. It’s Rudra. Forcing his eyes back on the road, Aarav continues to drive while I answer the phone call.

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