Page 50 of Fallen

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“How dare you try these cheap tricks on her?” Aarav scowls, pulling Rudra from the chair again and punches his nose this time.

Rudra’s nose bleeds. I drag Aarav off Rudra before he can hurt him more. This is not the first time Aarav has got into a physical fight before me but what is he even doing here? How can he hurt Rudra without any reason?

“Aarav, what the hell are you doing? Stop this nonsense.”

I stand between the two men to stop them from hitting each other again.

“Nonsense?” Aarav glares at me. “You know what this man did? He has spiked your wine. And I don’t have to tell you why he did that. When he couldn’t get a hold on your mind, he is using these nasty tricks to control your body. I swear I-”

He is about to hit Rudra again when I stop him.

“Enough… Enough of this drama, Aarav. You are misinformed. Rudra can do no such thing.”

“Oh yeah?” he scoffs, turning to the left where I see Aman dragging the same server who served us drinks a while ago. What is happening? Even Aman is here? I turn to Rudra who seems to be nervous and tense suddenly. Staying two years with him, I at least know when he gets such expressions on his face.When he has committed a mistake.

Aman pushes the server before us.

“Blurt the truth or else be ready to go to Jail,” Aman warns the server who quickly points at Rudra.

“Sir asked me to spike Ma’am’s drink. He gave me money to do so,” the server confronts.


“He is lying,” Rudra scoffs. “This is all a set-up. Aarav is setting me up, Khushi. You know I wouldn’t do anything like that with you.”

He tries to reach me to convince when Aarav steps between us.

“Don’t you dare get close to her again. I will break your damn body if you even try.”

Aarav’s threats don’t affect Rudra for now because all he wants at the moment is my trust. I want to believe him when Aman opens his phone and shows me the video which probably was clicked just a few minutes ago when Rudra had excused from the table to go to the washroom. I see him speaking to the same server and even offering him a pill and some cash. No way!!

Now that I have seen the video footage, Rudra has no other excuses to give.

“Why?” I sigh disappointedly staring at him. “Why Rudra?”

“Because you were turning to him,” he snaps glaring at Aarav and then his eyes are back on me. “I wanted you to come back to me forever, Khushi and this was the only way… You giving me your heart and body was the only way-”

Before he could confess this treacherous act, I raised my hand and slapped him hard on his cheek. It hurts me, not just physically but emotionally too. Rudra has always been that friend whom I could trust with my eyes closed, but by pulling out this nasty stunt he has stabbed my heart.

“I can never trust you again, Rudra. Never.” I point between me and him. “This is over between us. I may be your Khushi or his Jhanvi, but whatever you did today has broken that last thread connecting us. I am done with you.”

“Khushi.” His painful voice doesn't bother me in fact it irks me thinking what would have happened if Aarav hadn’t reached on time? Rudra has crossed every limit tonight and proved to me I was trusting the wrong guy.

I turn away from him, indicating that no matter what he does, he can never win me again. Not after this act. Never in this lifetime. Trust was hard for me to build on anyone after I lost my memories and the man I still trusted first, has shattered me so badly that I might never trust people again. When I turn around again, he’s already walking out of the hotel whereas Aarav is right beside me. Aman is busy with the hotel manager highlighting this issue. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do from here? Will I still go back to that Villa? Maybe I should, but only to pack my stuff. I don’t even know what will I say to Rudra’s father and what will be his reaction to all of this?

I pick up my purse and try to leave when Aarav grabs my arm and turns me to him.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“Leave me, Aarav. This is not the right time, please.”

“You are leaving this hotel only to come along with me. I am not letting you walk alone.”

“Don’t.” I shove off his arm. “Only because I’m no longer with Rudra now, doesn't mean I am coming to you. Just stop stalking me and leave me alone. If you don’t, I’ll escape from your life in such a way that you won’t even realize when that happened.”

Before I know it, Aarav slides his arm around my waist, drawing me to him. His gaze zeroes on me and I see a fair warning on his lips which instead of riling me, gives me an unknown comfort.

“There is nowhere you could go where I wouldn’t follow you, Jaan. I dare you to try and see what happens.”
