Page 49 of Fallen

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“Aman’s daughter’s birthday party. I had been there.”

My response doesn't stun him which means he already knows where I was and I wonder how? Does he have spies on me?

“And you left with Aarav and his daughter to AR Mansion after that, didn’t you?” Rudra scowls. “You are coming back straight from his home. How very insensible of you, Khushi?”

Before I could retort, gripping my elbow, Rudra pulls me closer to his body and I immediately despise his action.

“You are very much aware that Aarav is brainwashing you and yet you don’t leave a chance to spend time with him? Or should I say, you’ve already started believing that you are his wife Jhanvi?”

“Am I Jhanvi Raichand, Rudra?” I ask, shrugging off his hold and his gaze darkens. “Aarav has given me enough proofs already and apart from that I too have found a few which strengthens my belief. So, before I turn this belief into a concrete decision, I want you to tell me if you are keeping any truth from me. About my identity.”

Rudra clenches his teeth and after a long silence, he continues.

“You believe him more than me?”

“I’m trusting my instincts,” I admit. “And they are unfortunately very much pointing me towards Aarav and not you.”

“God, Khushi.” He pulls me again to him, this time tenderly, yet I don’t like his touch. It’s weird. “That man is confusing you. And these are not your instincts but his actions and words that are making you misinterpret things. You are Khushi Thakur, my fiancé, my love and my life. I understand we had an almost bad breakup two years ao and then your accident drifted us apart emotionally but not anymore. You have to give me a chance. You have to trust me one last time. I am the one you love and I am the only one you belong to. C’mon Khushi, you can’t be that unfair to me. Give us a chance. Let’s start this afresh. Forget everything that has blocked your mind and heart so far and come out with me. You recall what date is tomorrow?”

I am blank. No, I don’t recall anything. My mind is a blank slate that Rudra had filled up with some stories of our past but none of that I could ever connect. Whereas ever since I met Aarav, even a moment with him makes me believe we shared something deeper and stronger. After getting the glimpses of my past life with the kind of kisses me and Aarav shared,after realizing I have a birthmark similar to that of Aarvi and the one which even Aarav pointed out Jhanvi having, and after confirming that I’m allergic to gold like Jhanvi was, I don’t think there is much left to say or not to believe. A part of my heart already knows who I belong to so whatever Rudra wants me to have faith in, I can’t offer him.

“It’s the day we first met, six years ago in New York,Khushi,” Rudra adds.

I am Jhanvi.My subconscious screams to me.

“We’ve always celebrated this day and though we didn’t rejoice last two years, we should do it tomorrow.”

“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I try to take his hands off me but he holds me tight.

“Please. Just give me one dinner date with you. I beg. Please.”

This is too much. I can’t handle his closeness, not when I’m just returning from Aarav’s arms, when I still have the feeling of his lips on my skin, when his words still echo in my ears. I push Rudra with all my force.

“Okay,” I snap, breathless. “One Dinner. Happy? Good night.”

I scoot back to my bedroom. That’s the only thing I wish to do at the moment.Run. Run far away from these conflicting emotions of my identity and whom should I choose. Though I might have promised Rudra for dinner tomorrow, I know this is going to be the last one of us together. I can’t carry on with him from hereon. It’s too risky for my heart which is begging for some peace.


Rudra and I are in the restaurant for dinner and whilst I try to talk it out that I need to put a distance between us, this time forever, he doesn't let me speak. Something is brewing in his head and every single time tonight he keeps assuring me that we can talk about it tomorrow. Tonight, all he wanted was to spend some time with me, reminiscing about our past. Which past? Whatever he tells me about us, I don’t connect with even a single incident, and no my mind is not shadowed by the thought that I am Jhanvi. I just want him to understand this too, but he doesn't give me a chance to vocalize that this is the end of our relationship.

The server places our drinks and takes our orders. Rudra passes me the glass which I simply take from him and keep it aside.

“What? It’s your favorite wine.”

“I don’t feel like drinking, thank you.”

“Oh c’mon, Khushi. Stop being a bore. You have to drink this. Let’s toast.”

He forces me to hold the glass and now I have started getting this odd feeling that he is up to something.

“For our togetherness.” He cheers and gulps down his drink in one go but I am still clueless if I even want to celebrate it. “Drink this one for me, please,” he pleads and I give up.

Maybe I need this wine tonight to soothe my bubbling nerves. I am about to sip the wine when suddenly someone snatches it from my fingers in force and the glass falls on the floor, splashing the wine and breaking the glass into pieces.

“What the heck?” Rudra fumes as he rises on his feet whereas I stare at Aarav Raichand blankly. Before I can understand what’s happening, Aarav punches Rudra’s face who stumbles down on the chair.

“Aarav, stop it,” I get on my feet.
