Page 73 of Fallen

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“Why are they not here? Call them Jaya.. please..” I literally beg because I can’t make that call. My hands are still shivering.

“Drink some water first.”

She forces me to sip water and by that time Aarvi runs to me. She’s already panicked to see me like this.

“Mommy, what happened to you?”

“Nothing.. Nothing baby.. I am fine.. Daddy is fine..”

I give her a tight hug. I have to be strong. For her.. For Aarvi. Where is Aarav? Why isn’t he home yet?

“Call him Jaya. Call him please,” I beg again to Jaya who is about to dial when we hear the sound of the car parking. I get on my feet. Jaya pulls Aarvi to her so that she doesn't come in my way. It’s Aarav. I sense him before I see him and run to the door. Aman and Aarav walk inside. The moment I see him, walking slowly with Aman’s support, his face pale and a bit exhausted, fresh tears roll down my cheeks as I increase my pace and in no time, I am running towards him again. As soon as our gazes meet, he leaves Aman’s hand. It takes me three more seconds to reach him and embrace him tight.

“Thank God.. Thank God you are fine.”

I hug him harder, willing not to cry so that I can ask him how he is and how this happened. I’m surprised by the raw emotion that burns my throat. Soon, Aarav drapes his arm around my waist, drawing me closer while his other hand goes to my hair as he strokes my head.

“I’m fine. Nothing happened. I am fine, Jhanvi. Stop crying.”

I always keep my emotions in control but today after knowing about Aarav’s accident, I couldn’t control them any longer. I sniff before Aarav pulls me away from his body and looks at my face. Tears continue to slip down my cheeks as I cup his face.

“You scared me to death, Aarav.”

He doesn't say a word, just keeps staring at me blankly. I think my concern and lack of control seeing his state which came out in the form of tears, and my worry, baffles him.

“He scared us all,” Aman speaks. “But, if you don’t mind, can we all just sit. Aarav needs to relax too.”

“Yeah,” I quickly move to Aarav’s side and entwine my fingers with his as I help him walk to the couch. He’s limping a bit.

Once we are all seated, I offer some water to Aarav which he drinks and leans his head back on the couch, shutting his eyes. He needs some rest.

“How did this happen?” I ask Aman who exhales and is probably thinking where to start from.


I clench my jaw, hating myself for being one of the reasons for it.

“I’m fine,” Aarav interrupts.

“You shut up,” Aman shouts at him. “We all see it clearly Aarav. You are over-stressed with work and everything else happening in your personal life. You are skipping meals too at the office. I have seen you slogging harder than this in the previous years. This kind of stress is new. I don’t understand. It’s better if you take a break and don’t come to work for a few days. I’ll handle it until then.”

“Your commands won’t work, Aman. You know I don’t take anyone’s orders.”

“Aman is right,” I speak up and turn to Aman. “He’ll be resting for a day or two Aman. I am not letting him step out of home until he is fine. And no working from home either.”

“Excuse me?” Aarav snaps, but I glare at him and turn to Aman again.

“How did the accident happen?”

“Aarav was driving back home. He hasn’t eaten since morning plus all that stress of the Charity and.. his Blood pressure went down. Luckily, he was driving slow and he immediately tried to control the vehicle but couldn’t help hitting the barricades at the edge of the road. That’s why he is limping. I was on his speed dial which thankfully you had set the last time he was drunk and outside your Villa. So, he dialed me and gave me the location details. I wasn’t too far and reached him in 10 minutes. The hospital was nearby so we got him checked. All good. Just a minor sprain on his left foot and a lot of weakness. Please feed him something and the medicines are here.”

Aman takes out the prescription and a few tablets from his suit pocket and hands them to me.

“I’ll ensure he takes them. Let me go check on his meal first.”

I rise and so does Aman.

“I’ll help him get to the bedroom until then.”
