Page 83 of Fallen

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Her eyes teared as she met my gaze.

“Would you give me that one chance if I had slept with someone else by mistake?”

My grip on her arms tightened. I couldn’t even bear that thought of Khushi in another man’s arms. But I was done with her accusations. So, this time I gripped her stronger and pulled her to me.

“Mistakes happen, Khushi. It could happen to anybody. I am a human. At least I am not hiding it and accepting my fault.”

I wanted her to understand but my words did more harm than good.

“Whatever you did, Rudra, is enough to end everything we had between us. It could be just a mistake for you and you might be able to live with it forever. I can’t. Whenever I see you now, the images of you and Rita on the bed flash before my eyes and that’s enough for me to hate you for life. Go find a woman who can tolerate you sleeping with another woman even mistakenly, when you are in a relationship with her. And when you find her, do let me know.”

Her words annoyed me so I decided to let her go.

“Fine, I’ll find one who is better than you .. Go to hell, Khushi Thakur.”

I pushed her away with force not realizing that she was too much on the edge of the stairs. Khushi stumbled and I tried to hold her again but it was too late. Her leg slipped and soon, she rolled on the thirty stairs of my penthouse that led to the living room downstairs.

“Khushi..” I screamed, hurrying to save her from getting more hurt but the moment I reached the last stair, I knew it was over.

Her lifeless eyes stared at me as blood pooled under her head. My Khushi died and though this was just an accident I was responsible for it. I knew I was.

I cried my heart out, pulling her body on my lap. Khushi was the love of my life, a woman who had stood beside me, believed in my dreams and helped me lead the subsidiary company ‘RS GROUP’ which my father Ratan Singh had specifically assigned to me and Khushi to run.

An hour after that accident, bad thoughts crept into my head. All our friends had noticed Khushi and me fighting when she reached the hotel room this morning catching me with Rita. Now if they get to know she was dead, in my penthouse, in my presence, it wouldn’t take long for the Police to find out she died because of me. I had my whole future ahead. Though I loved Khushi to the core I wouldn’t let my career and life be doomed because of this one accident. So, I did what I thought was the best for me at that time. Putting a heartfelt post of our breakup on her social media account, whose password I knew, I ensured to give this plan a perfect end. I wrote that post on behalf of Khushi that she needed a break from me, and was travelling to another city where she could cope up with her grief.

Then I wiped off the evidence of Khushi’s death and dumped her body in the Hudson River. It ached me to give her that kind of a departure but I had no choice. I was the one who had to survive and I wasn’t ready to waste my life for an act I never intended to do.

It was easy to tell my father and friends that we broke up and Khushi left. Where? No one would know. But her best friend Sakshi was very curious. She kept asking me why was Khushi not contacting anyone again? If she broke up with me, why wasn’t she in touch with her other friends? I had never thought about that and her constant nagging felt like an alarm that hiding Khushi’s death wouldn’t be possible for long.

So, after a month, to hide one crime, I made another perfect plan to put an end to this curiosity everyone had. Scotland was the best place where this plan could be implemented as I had some work plans there too. All I had to do was fly there, then call up Sakshi and my father and tell them I found Khushi here and that I am getting her back. That would ease their worries on Khushi’s disappearance, and then after a day or two tell them that we had an accident and Khushi fell from the cliff.

Obviously, I would have to fake an accident, might even hurt myself but that was better than being arrested for Khushi’s death. I lied to my friends that I had got to know about Khushi’s whereabouts and that she was in Scotland. Before they could ask more, I promised to get her back and flew to Scotland.

And then came the night where I planned to hit my car at the cliff. The night had fallen and the road was too dark. I accelerated my vehicle, only to find a steep curve ahead. A car with a strong headlight was advancing from the opposite end. An accident wouldn’t be an accident until it looked real. So, I purposely turned my headlights bright and advanced speedily towards the opposite car, almost crossing the lines of my lane.

The opposite car slowed down and, in the attempt to escape from hitting mine, it took a turn towards the steep edge. No!! I wanted that car to hit mine so that I could be hurt a bit before jumping from my car and let it fall down the cliff but instead the other car hit the edge and was almost half way from collapsing down. Realization dawned. I couldn’t hurt one more person for saving myself.

I got down my car, parking it to the side to help the other car’s driver. She was a woman who had hit her head on the steering wheel so badly that her head was bleeding. I touched her pulse. She was alive. I had to save her before it was too late. Unbuckling her seatbelt, I pulled her to me and the force was so hard that I literally fell on the ground with her on top before her car collapsed down the cliff. It was a tricky escape but I was glad to save this woman whose life I put in danger because of my silliness. I couldn’t risk other people’s lives to save myself. Not anymore. The moment I tossed her on the ground I saw her face.


No. That wasn’t possible as Khushi was dead. I had seen her dying before my eyes. But this woman here was the exact replica of my deceased girlfriend. What kind of coincidence was this? Whatever it was, I knew this was some indication from the God I believed in so much, and I didn’t waste a single minute carrying this woman in my arms to the car. She was alive and I had to save her.

The glass pieces had pierced in her head and the doctors had to operate on her. I didn’t know anything about this woman except that she looked like my Khushi. So, when they asked for her details to update in the hospital form, I filled out the details for Khushi Thakur and signed the form as her fiancée.

Before the operation, the surgeon was already predicting that she had a major hit on her brain which worried him if after the surgery she would have her memories intact but that was to be thought about later. Right now, saving her was important.

Post-surgery, after almost three days I was finally told she was conscious enough to speak and just as the doctors had predicted, she didn’t even know her name. She had lost all her memories in that accident. I felt bad for her but once again, I saw that as an indication of my helplessness. The lie that Khushi was in Scotland had been told and I had to pretend her to be dead to answer the curiosity of my family and friends but probably not anymore. God had given me a solution to all my problems. This woman… Whoever she was now she could be my Khushi. And I would do anything to keep her with me.

I called up Sakshi first and told her that Khushi met with an accident. That she fell from the stairs and had lost her memories after the surgery. Convincing her and my father wasn’t nearly tough and when they all insisted on coming here, I told them I was getting her back home and they need not worry.

The next hurdle was taking her back from Scotland to New York. Obviously, I didn’t have Khushi’s passport and even if I got it somehow, it wouldn’t have any immigration stamp of her landing in Scotland. So, I filed a complaint about her Passport missing and then got a new one from the embassy. There were no hurdles in taking her back with me. She was mine now!!

But I had to make sure she never got her memories back and for that, I paid the same surgeon a hefty amount to give me a medicine that would make sure her memories would never return. He agreed to suggest such a drug to me and all I had to do was make sure she had a small dose of it every day.

The only way I could give her this medicine was the idea of Prasad. I was already a devotee of God and I pretended to pray more to thank God for saving her life. It was another way to charm her.

It took months of effort to make her believe she was Khushi Thakur. What worried me was her ability to handle the business alongside me in RS Group but this woman was a genius and I could say she had an experience of handling business before which was again in my favor. There was no stopping again from there. My new Khushi Thakur and I ruled the empire, competing with new companies and taking them over. She became my lucky charm. She just had Khushi’s face but her mind worked faster than Khushi’s. How could I not fall for her?
