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You've already taken your sweet time. And you are a Rogue. This is your job. Do it.

“Just tell me why you won’t. What the fuck have I ever done to you?”

I had no answer for him. “How dare you question me?"

He chuckled then, the laughter triggering the motion of his muscles, causing them to rub against me even more. "I've tried speaking to you. I've tried being polite. You think I want to fucking walk into Webb's office and tell on you? I have no idea what the punishment would be for not following a direct order. I'm not a grass, but you need to let go of whatever is pissing you off. Did I shag a mate of yours or something and not call her back?"

I inhaled sharply. Well if that didn't just top it all off. “I really don't care who you shag.”

His gaze narrowed on mine. He lifted a brow and smirked. “Oh, this is interesting.”

“What the hell is interesting?”

“You're not as immune to me as you like to think.”

A hot flush of embarrassment snaked up my neck, but I tried to cover. “Poor little rich boy. So used to the world doing exactly as he says. I don't work for you. I'm not your family. But I am the woman standing between you and your ultimate freedom from here. So maybe you'll think twice before you threaten me again.”

He very deliberately shoved away from me. “I'm not threatening you. I'm just making it very fucking clear that whatever your problem is with me, we need to address it before it becomes a matter of my life or death.”

“Tell me, King, what did you think you were going to get out of today? All you've managed to do is piss me off.”

“Well, that makes two of us now. Start training me. I don't intend to die because you've got a stick shoved up your arse. The sooner you train me, the sooner I can get back to my life.”

I went stock-still, remembering a conversation with Lock about sex. What we tried and hadn't tried. What we wanted to try. Not necessarily in that moment, but the kind of talk you have with someone you’re interested in fucking again.

Lock had a habit of whispering dirty things he wanted to do to you as he was fucking you. One of those things was sticking that very large cock of his in my arse. The thought of it had excited me. But then, obviously, I hadn't intended on staying. And we had never gotten that far.

But now that he was goading me by saying there was something stuck up my arse, all I could think about was his hoarse, guttural voice asking me if I was a dirty girl who liked a cock up her arse or not.

I shook my head. "That family you're so desperate to get back to are the ones keeping you here against your will.”

He flinched, and I knew I’d landed a solid blow. He'd told me his biggest fear was being utterly useless, and I'd used it against him. The shame seeped into my blood vessels, becoming part of me, and I knew I would not be able to take it back no matter what I said, so I clamped my mouth shut.

“You stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. Nine months, and I'm out of here."

"Okay, deal. But you will have to pass on your own merit. I know that you’re not used to that, but we don’t play games around here."

He pushed himself away from me even further. “Do your job and I’ll do mine." Then he opened the door and stomped out, leaving me alone in the dark.

* * *


Just who the fuck did he think he was? That stunt in the cupboard… Just thinking about it had my core melting. Fucking hell.

I’d tried to interact with him as little as possible, only to have him full-on approach me and bitch that I wasn't teaching him. What the fuck did he know?

You're not teaching him.

Okay, fair assessment, but still, goddamn him.

"What's up, love?"

Tabatha’s cheery voice dragged me from my reverie in the locker room as I sat with my face in my hands trying to scrub the memory of Lachlan King's hands on me out of my head.


Tabs laughed. "Sweetheart, that is your frustrated look. You look like you want to hit something. What's wrong?"
