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What the hellwas I doing?

You know what you're doing. He asked for a beer for a job well done. And now you're taking him a beer.

This was a stupid idea. We were not friends. I was his training officer, and this was dangerous.

Or, you're living a little. Trying to make a friend other than Tabs.

Speaking of Tabs, I hadn't filled her in on this little excursion because I'd known what she would say. She would've said, 'oh boy.' And then she would've made kissing faces, knowing full well I couldn't kiss him.

The problem was, now that I knew he didn't remember, it was harder to keep him at a distance because I did remember that I liked him.

He was still the same person. Brash but witty. He was also curious and eager to learn. He wanted to do things with integrity, but his impulsive nature got in his way. He was also a fast learner and didn't make the same mistake twice. He was shrewd and made good ops decisions. It was hard not to respect that.

I knew after today's mission, he was likely to go grab food and head back for his bungalow.

Tell the truth.

Fine, maybe I had watched for him. Which was ridiculous. Because I didn't care.

Sure you don't.

Liking him wouldn't get me far.

But, I knocked on his door, nonetheless. When he dragged it open with a rush, his eyes widened in surprise. “Fuck. Did I forget something?"

I shrugged sheepishly. "No. I, uh, brought these." I held up the beers and he grinned at me.

"Well, well. I knew I was wearing you down. I knew you would like me eventually."

"Let's not get carried away, okay?" It was impossible to suppress my smile.

He chuckled. "Oh, come on. You know you like me."

“You know what? I'm taking my beers and going," I said, turning back.

He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, come on, join me in the garden. You came all this way."

He walked me through the cottage, and I took note that the furnishings had been updated and refurbished. They looked modern and fresh to match the interior of the manor house. We reached the garden, and my breath caught. "Wow. I didn't realize the gardens were so well tended." There was honeysuckle and morning glories. Some roses too.

"Uh, that's not me. Surprisingly, that's Saint."

I wrinkled my nose. "What?"

"He's a regular green thumb."

"Well, will wonders never cease."

“I know, right? Sometimes I catch him out here talking to them. It's bizarre."

I chuckled at that. He motioned me to take a seat on one of the two loungers, so I did and handed him his beer.

"So, what made you decide to come have a beer with me?"

"Well, I realized it took me a moment to start training you, but you've progressed well regardless of that. And you did a good job today."

"Even though I missed the bombing target?"
