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I opted to let him in on the secret. "No one gets the bombing target. You're not supposed to. It's meant to be a lesson in keeping your guard up, I guess."

“You'd probably pass with flying colors."

“I don't count. I've essentially been training for this since I could walk."

His brow furrowed. "Explain that to me. You've just lived here your whole life?"

I rolled my shoulders back, thinking about how much to tell him. “Yeah. My great-grandfather helped found the Rogues. He had a whole thing about legacy I guess. He made the Abott manor our headquarters. He didn't have any siblings, and then he got married and had my grandfather who didn't have any siblings either. Grandpa had dad. You get the idea. And I was an only child until my parents adopted Gabe."

He frowned. “Gabe? He's your brother?"

I nodded. I had wondered if he would figure it out on his own or not. “Yes, he's my brother. Did no one tell you?"

His jaw went slack as he shook his head. "This whole time he's been your brother."

I laughed. “Yes, hence the overprotectiveness, the butting into my life, trying to control me, that whole thing."

“Fucking hell."

I leaned forward and took a sip of my beer. I didn't particularly enjoy beer, but it was something to do socially. "Why? What did you think?"

"Honestly? I thought you two were shagging."

I choked on the beer, sputtering and wheezing.

Lock leaned over and patted me on the back gently. "Let it out. Try and pull air through your nose. It will help."

I shook my head. "No. Too fizzy."

I coughed some more before the pain eased, and he didn't move from right next to me. “You thought I was shagging Gabe? Gross."

"What the fuck was I supposed to think? He essentially warned me off you. And he's very intense about you specifically. Doesn't want you hurt."

“Yes. Because he's my brother."

“Fucking hell. Why didn't anyone tell me?"

“It's not a secret."

"Wait. You're telling me Saint knew?"

I laughed. “Yeah, probably."

“I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Why were you and Saint discussing whether or not Gabe was my brother?"

His gaze met mine and then dipped to my lips. "No reason."

My whole body flushed under the close contact. His eyes stayed trained on me. This was the danger zone.

You can't have him. And he doesn't remember you, so watch yourself.

Right. I purposefully squared my shoulders and created a little bit more space between us as I inched backward.

“Your fucking brother?"

“Yep. My fucking brother."
