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“You know people don’t work like that, though, right? You love her. Holding that in doesn’t make anything better.”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

She arched a brow and took a last swig of her beer, setting the bottle on a coaster. “Is it?” She let the silence of her question mark hang in the air before rising to her feet.

I’d never told Erin everything that had happened and how gutted I’d been for most of the time in France after things with Teagan got so weird. When we started dating, I could mostly ignore that gutted feeling, and by then, Teag and I were getting back to okay.

“Fine, fine,” Erin said, standing. “Don’t answer, but I know I’m right. I should get going, but I hope you tell her. For what it’s worth, I think she probably feels the same way, but you guys are closer than any two people I know. Even if she doesn’t feel the same, you’ll figure it out.”

I handed her the box of the things I’d found. A hairbrush, a half-empty bottle of her expensive conditioner, a few books, and knickknacks. It wasn’t heavy. I held out the box of chocolates to her. “These are actually for you.”

“Thanks, but you keep them,” she said, balancing the box of her things on her hip. “Eat some candy, Silas. There’s no prizes for leaving it in the box.”

I sat on my couch in the quiet of my apartment for a while after she left, mulling over what she said and not coming to any conclusion, but I ate a few of the truffles from the box on the table. She was right—I’d been only letting myself have a little at a time. Unable to resist, I let my mind wander to what it would be like to have more of my best friend all at once.
