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Silas:I swear I had a reason for not telling you.

Teagan:Spill it. You’re on probation.

Silas:Well, Martin wrote it.

Teagan:Martin? No way! About who?

Silas:It was like two years ago and he wrote it about...

Teagan:Say it already!


Teagan:No way. Not possible!

Silas:He said they were getting close and he wrote the pros and cons list and he sent it to her, like via email.

Teagan:You’re messing with me. Not possible.

Silas:That’s what he said! She must have printed it and, I don’t know, it ended up behind a box or fell or something, but I guess that’s how you found it.

Teagan:She said she wasn’t seeing anyone.

Silas:Well, that’s why I didn’t tell you. He was into her and made the list, but they tried for a month or so and it fizzled. Didn’t work out.


Silas:And you were so convinced the list was a sign of it being like us. I didn’t want you to take it as a bad sign.

Teagan:Martin and... Julianna? Wow.

Silas:That’s what he said. They decided they were better as friends and that’s how it is now.

Silas:You still there?

Teagan:Yeah, sorry. I think my food delivery just showed up.

Silas:No problem. So, what do you think about the end to the mystery? Kind of a letdown?

Teagan:Just a little, but I guess it’s okay. I like the idea of the list being a symbol for us, but I don’t think it is. I mean, that’s why we waited, right? To take some time apart to make sure being together is what we want and, I do want that. Hey. Hold on, my food is here.

(Door opens)

Teagan:Bonsoir. Merc—

Silas:Did you know my employee discount can be used for international flights?

Teagan:I can’t believe you’re here!

Silas:I made a pros and cons list about coming.

Teagan:This is unreal. You’re on my doorstep. Come in!

Silas:Do you want to hear the list?

Teagan:No, I want to kiss you!

Silas:I want that, too, but can I read it to you first?
