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Teagan:Can you read it fast? Because what I want is to tackle you to the ground.

Silas:Con: you’ll probably steal all my stuff. Pro: I won’t have to worry about checked luggage

Silas:Con: I’ll owe James big for covering my shifts at the last minute. Pro: I can brush up on my French.

Silas:Pros: I want to kiss you awake in the morning and make you omelets and I want to call you the woman who is the most important person in my life instead of just thinking it. I want us and I don’t want to wait anymore.

Teagan:You didn’t say the last con.

Silas:There isn’t one. I—

(Knock on the door)

Teagan:Oh, that’s my food. Uh, hold on.


Teagan:Sorry, that kind of spoiled the moment. Our timing is always bad, isn’t it?

Silas:Nah. I think we’ve always been right where we needed each other at the right times.

Teagan:Can I tackle you to the ground now?

Silas:Definitely. Oh, and I brought you these.

Teagan:Julianna’s chocolates.

Silas:Who knows you, sugar?

Teagan:I’m going to kiss you now in hopes you eventually come up with a better nickname.

Silas:Might take a lot of kissing.

Teagan:Might take a lifetime of it.

Silas:No veto.
