Page 12 of The Dragon

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Sixteen years old/10th Grade/November

“Come on, Hollis! Push! Push! Go!” my coach yelled from the side as I held the ball firmly against my chest with both hands. The expected rain began to fall as I ran toward our end zone while trying to fend off three opponents. Our team was down by four, and there were only nine seconds left in the game.

Despite the light rainfall, the energy in the stadium was electric. People in the stands cheered along with the cheer squad as they all chanted my name. My teammates and coaches shouted from the sidelines, and all of this combined with the desire to be the best fueled me to dig deep, secure the ball, and use my strength to plow through to the end zone.

Losing was never an option.

My gaze focused on the play clock. I closed my eyes as I saw the clock dip below three seconds and the whistle blew.

“Touchdown! Sophomore Hollis Hawkins!” The announcer’s voice came through our PA system.

The crowd erupted. I lived for this.

My teammates rushed over to celebrate with me, and I soaked it all up. As our team headed to the locker room, Morgan’s voice grabbed my attention.


I glanced in the crowd and spotted my parents, grandparents, brothers, and Morgan’s and my girlfriends all in the front row huddled under umbrellas or with their hoods pulled over their heads. Grandma had on a blue cardigan and Wildcats visor, even though it was raining and dark out. Morgan, his girlfriend, and mine all had on Wildcat gray and blue t-shirts. Chase even had one on, though it was huge on him. I held my hand up and waved at them.

“Way to go, son!” Dad hollered as my mom blew me a kiss.

My girlfriend, Ginny, stood next to Morgan’s girlfriend. Ginny was hot, but Morgan’s girlfriend was smoking hot. She stood beside him, waving one of the school’s inflatable pennants on a stick. Morgan was in ninth grade and had one of the hottest girls in the school, who happened to be a senior. I knew he’d already fucked her. Like me, Morgan was tall and built well. He was just much more social than I was.

“We’ll meet you at the restaurant,” Mom said.

“Drive safe, Hollis,” Grandpa reminded me.

The plan was they were going to the restaurant after the game and then I’d meet them there shortly after. I was starving and eager to get to the restaurant, so I picked up the pace and jogged at the tail end of the team to the locker room.

As soon as I got in the locker room, the coach wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug and lifted me off the ground.

“My God, Hollis. You shook off three defenders. You’re a beast! I don’t know what we’re going to do without you when you graduate in a few years.” Coach smacked the back of my jersey so I’d move along.

I went over to my locker and pulled off my jersey and pads. A bunch of guys were in various stages of undressing as the coach spoke to us about always digging in and never giving up until the play clock reads double zeros. Even though I was just a sophomore, I was never bashful to undress in the locker room of either my football team or the wrestling team. I was on both varsity teams that consisted mostly of seniors. But I was far from scrawny. At six-foot-two, I was one of the tallest, best built guys at school. And I was probably the strongest kid because I currently held the student weight room record of bench pressing 235 pounds.

Once Coach was done talking, I finished undressing, gathered my uniform, and headed toward the showers. Tonight there were a few students milling about the locker room who had been in trouble for one reason or another. As their punishment, they were doing a form of community, or school, service by helping out the team.

Even though I was hungry and looked forward to spending some time with Ginny tonight, I took my time in the shower. I always liked to replay the game in my head while I got cleaned up. What could I have done better? I was the last one done and towel dried my hair on the way back to my locker. Most of the players were gone already, and the few who remained were mostly dressed and finishing up.

“Later, Hollis,” one of them said as they left.

“See ya,” I said.

As I pulled my boxer briefs on, I imagined Ginny with her mouth wrapped around my cock tonight. Ginny’s parents were both in the film industry and were usually gone Friday and Saturday nights, so Fridays after the football games were usually the nights we could be alone.

I put on my hoodie and zipped it up as I approached the coach’s office. I waved at all of them, then stepped inside as they gestured for me to do so.

“Great game tonight, Hollis.”

“Incredible scoring run at the end.”

“Yeah, you steamrolled those three defenders.”

“Thanks! I’ve been working out a lot and staying really active outside of football,” I said.

“Are you still doing karate and jiu-jitsu?”

“Yes. I’m a black belt in karate, studying the different degree levels. I’m also in an adult-level Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a purple belt.”

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