Page 13 of The Dragon

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“That’s wonderful. You’re very well rounded.”

“Are you still planning on joining the wrestling team in the spring?”

“I plan on trying out for it, yes.”

The coaches laughed.

“Hollis, you were the best wrestler on the team during your freshman year. I’m pretty sure you’ll make the cut.”

I laughed and nodded. Of course I’d make the team. I was a tank.

“Is your younger brother going to try out?”

“Morgan? Probably. At least I’m trying to get him to. He’s into a lot of social activities,” I said as I pictured him at parties.

“Isn’t there a mini you coming up through the ranks who we can look forward to?”

“You have another younger brother, right? I spotted him tonight with your parents.”

“Yeah. Chase. He’s nine and loves soccer and wrestling. You guys might get a wrestler out of him.”

“Have you started getting any letters from colleges?”

“Yes. I have some from some small schools here in California and Washington. But I’m holding out for USC.”

“The Trojans will come calling. Might not be until your junior year, but they’ll come. So will the Bruins. You’ll have your pick of schools, Hollis.”

There was a huge crackle and rumble of thunder outside, followed by a loud boom.

“Are your parents waiting outside for you?”

“No, but I’m meeting them for dinner.”

“You’re driving yourself in the rain?”


“Drive safely, Hollis.”

“I will. Goodnight.” I turned to leave the office, and the second I got out of their door I remembered my jacket. I snapped my fingers and faced the coaches. “Forgot my jacket,” I announced and headed in the direction of my locker.

A few of the students who were serving their detention walked into the coach’s office.

“Guys ready to check out?” I heard the coach ask the boys.

I thought I was the last player left, so when I heard water running in the showers, I slowed my pace and stopped to look to see who was left. The boy in the showers was one of the kids from the detention group. I frowned when I noticed bright red marks across his ass and the back of his upper legs. His back and one of his arms had a medley of hues in black, blue, and purple. My mouth went dry, and I couldn’t help but stare at him because it wasn’t normal. At least, it wasn’t something I was used to seeing on someone. Fighting? Maybe this was why he was in detention.

He shut the water off and turned, then jumped, startled by my presence. His surprise turned to anger, and his eyes narrowed on me. His chest and stomach were bruised black and blue. He stood still, with water dripping from his body and an angry scowl on his face.

“What the fuck are you staring at, dickhead?” he asked.

He didn’t scare me. No one scared me.

“If you’re going to stare, at least come suck my dick,” he said. His tone seethed with anger.

I glared at him and walked to my locker as he continued to mouth off even though I walked away.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Fucking preppy football jock.”
