Page 14 of The Dragon

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I grabbed my letterman jacket from the locker and headed to the door without looking in the direction of the showers. Before I left the locker room, I zipped up my hoodie and then buttoned my jacket. I pulled the hood over my head and opened the door to wind and rain. The rain was lightly falling, but with the thunder and lightning, I knew a big storm was brewing. I jogged to my new 4Runner and examined my clothes when I shut the door. Not too bad. I was a little wet but not drenched.

I started my SUV but hadn’t moved from the parking spot. I was thinking about the verbal altercation I had with that kid. I was bothered all around by it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the marks. A flash of lightning snapped me out of replaying what the kid said to me. I backed out of the parking spot and headed to meet my family.

Just as Dad had told me when driving in rain, I spent a few extra seconds at the stop sign before exiting the school parking lot. I kept my eyes moving while I was at the stoplight, and when it turned green, I used caution as I edged out into traffic. Dad was always telling me to wait a few extra seconds in slick driving conditions in case someone wasn’t able to stop in time and impeded the intersection. Eventually I made it to the restaurant and hurried inside.

Before I sat down, I gave Ginny a quick peck. The huge appetite that I thought I had significantly decreased since seeing that kid in the shower. I worked on my spaghetti, but dinner went like a blur with my mind preoccupied. For once, I was glad Chase talked his head off to the girls. When Morgan’s girlfriend pulled her car keys out, I knew he was about to bail.

“We’re going to catch a movie that starts in about a half hour,” Morgan said as he stood with his girlfriend’s hand in his. “Great game tonight, Hollis,” he said.

“Yes, great game, Hollis,” his girlfriend said. “Thank you for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins.”

“You’re very welcome,” Dad replied.

“Do you have your house key, Morgan?” Mom asked.

“Yep. I’ll be home right after the movie.”

I partially listened to Dad and Grandpa talk about USC’s game tomorrow night while also listening to Mom and Grandma talk about how cute of a couple Morgan and his girlfriend made. My mind was really preoccupied with that damn kid from school. As I stood to leave the restaurant, my body was suddenly weighed with exhaustion.

“Are you okay?” Ginny asked me under her breath as we walked to my SUV.

“I’m just really tired,” I admitted.

“How about a rain check for tonight?” she asked. “My parents will be gone tomorrow night too, so you can come over then if you’d like.”

“That would be good.”

I held her hand as I drove her home, and we talked a little about the game. We approached the gated entrance to her house, and I rolled my window down as Ginny leaned across to wave at the gate guard.

I pulled into her parents’ driveway, and Ginny undid her seat belt and leaned over to kiss me. Her soft breasts pressed against my arm that rested against the center console. Our slow kiss quickly turned me on and made me feel restless, and it hadn’t helped matters when she dropped her hands in my lap and started rubbing and pressing against my cock. I leaned back and unzipped my pants. Ginny pulled out my dick, and I closed my eyes when she wrapped her mouth around it.

“Mmm. Yeah, Ginny,” I mumbled.

When I was ready to come, I didn’t hesitate. Ginny loved sucking my cock and swallowing my cum, so she was always waiting for it. As soon as my dick stopped spurting, she sat up and smiled at me before she leaned in to kiss me.

“Mmm, my cum-hungry girlfriend.”

We kissed a little more because I loved the way I tasted on her mouth. Eventually she pulled away with a giggle and a smile.

“We’ll play some more tomorrow,” she promised and waved at me before shutting the car door.

I watched her go inside before backing out of the driveway. I felt better but was still tired. Despite the taste that lingered of Ginny’s kiss, it was soured by the mental image of that kid in the showers.

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