Page 29 of The Dragon

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“Chasion!” Mom called him.

“That’s our ham,” Morgan told Patrick.

“He’s not strong enough yet to hang on,” I said and reached behind me to pull Chase around to my side.

“It’s because your boobs are too big,” Chase said as he looked up at me.

“Chasion! Come over here and help me,” Mom told him.

Chase whined.

“Then you need to behave around your brothers and their friend, Chasion.”

“Okay, I will.”

“Chase calls Hollis’ chest muscles boobs,” Morgan explained.

“Patrick, this is my little brother, Chase.” I wrapped my hands around Chase’s upper arms and lifted him high above my head and set him down on his feet in front of me.

“Hey, Chase. It’s cool to meet you,” Patrick said.

“Hello, Mr. Patrick. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance,” Chase said, using his impersonation of an adult.

“Chase is nine, going on thirty,” I said.

“Are you excited to watch TCF tonight?” Patrick asked Chase.

“Yes! Did you know my brother is going to be a TCF fighter someday?”

“I do, yes.”

“He got to meet his team today,” Chase said.

“Okay, enough,” I said to Chase.

“Chase is very proud of Hollis,” my mom said, trying to warn Patrick that Chase was more than hyper about it since they heard the news this afternoon.

“It’s pretty cool.” Patrick agreed with Chase and smiled at my mom. “I was at the jiu-jitsu studio this afternoon when he met his team,” Patrick told Chase.

Chase’s eyes got big, and he looked up at me before he turned to face Patrick.

“Were any of them super big?” Chase asked.

“All of them were,” Patrick replied.

“Did any of them look as big as Hulk Hogan?” Chase asked.

“Mmm.” Patrick played along and pretended to think back. “I’m not sure, but all of these guys were pretty big.”

“It’d be cool if Hulk Hogan was on his team,” Chase added.

Patrick turned his head and looked sideways at Chase as if considering something.

“Wait a second… Are you a Hulk Hogan fan?” Patrick asked Chase.

“Yes! Hulk Hogan is my favorite!” Chase raced over to the great room and grabbed his Hulk Hogan muscle man pillow and ran back with it. “I practice my body slams on this. I’m like Hulk Hogan’s protégé, only he doesn’t know it yet. Wanna see my routine?” Chase eagerly asked.

