Page 53 of The Dragon

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She moved to the edge of the bed and reached for her bright green thong and pulled it on. She maneuvered her arms through the matching green lace bra and took hold of my hands.

“Come on. Let’s clean your cock off in case I want to blow you before you leave.”

With my hands in hers, I followed her into the bathroom. I leaned against her vanity as she tossed a washcloth into her sink and squirted some liquid soap onto it. She turned the water on and then worked the soap into a lather.

“How is Patrick doing?” she asked.

As soon as Ginny knew about the situation with Patrick, she’d been nothing but supportive. It had been her senior year and she was completely cool and encouraged me to hang out with him.

“He’s doing okay. It’s that girlfriend of his that I wish would take a leap.”

“She seems a little clingy.” I nodded in agreement with her. “Has he fucked her yet?”

“No,” I said and shook my head.

“He’s probably afraid still.”

“Afraid? He has nothing to be afraid of with her. She couldn’t overpower him—”

“Hollis, don’t be silly. Patrick is well built. Granted, next to you, you made every high school guy and probably most teachers look feeble. But Patrick’s fear is probably still controlling him. Having sex and being naked with someone makes them vulnerable. He doesn’t want to be vulnerable.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her that Patrick wasn’t afraid of me, and how we’d seen one another naked, but she started cleaning off my dick. Yeah, Patrick was defensive that first time I saw him naked at school in the locker room, but it was because he didn’t know me or trust me yet. He and I had jacked off in front of one another while watching blurry porn, and there had been a few times I’d comforted him, which led to a couple situations that would be considered uncomfortable to some. But I wasn’t bothered by them, and Patrick wasn’t either.

“He’ll come around. He just needs time,” I said, mirroring the phrase my parents often said.

“He’ll fuck some girl silly when he’s ready.” Ginny looked up and playfully smacked my shoulder. “Plus, if he’s hanging around you when you’re in TCF, any girl who sees him with you will want to fuck him.”

“Don’t say that,” I said. My stomach dropped as I thought about how badly his father and stepbrother used and abused him, and how that girlfriend of his seemed to be doing the same.

“Why? It’s true, though.”

“Because he deserves more than that. He deserves to be important to someone and cared for by them.”

Ginny stood upright and set the washcloth on the counter.

“Thank you,” I said and wrapped my arms around her.

“You’re welcome.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. “I miss you a lot. Remember how it was before TCF got involved? After the football games we’d watch movies and fuck. We’d go to parties, and everyone thought we were the hottest couple.”

“I love TCF, Ginny. You’ve known this was my dream.”

“I know.” She sighed. “I just miss you and your cock so much.”

“I’m sorry. You know I have to train.”

“I wish you could get all the benefits of a full workout without all the time.”

“Sounds like magic. But I get out of it what I put into it.”

She was quiet for a few minutes while I rested my chin on top of her head.

“You know, there’s stuff out there that will boost your workouts. Performance enhancing stuff.”

“What?” I’m sure I sounded astonished, because I was absolutely flabbergasted that Ginny would even suggest something like that to me.

Was she kidding?

She had to be kidding.
