Page 61 of The Dragon

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“We have an important day tomorrow. You’re part of it too.”

He flung his feet over the edge of the bed and sat next to me. I figured he was going to get out of bed for a few minutes to calm down. He nodded and then looked down at his hard dick that still pulled the fabric of his boxer briefs tight. He closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands.


He groaned in frustration, and moments later he sniffled and sounded congested. Was he crying? His shoulders shook as he cried beside me. I stretched my arm across his back and took hold of his arm, then pulled him to lean against me.

“It’s okay.”

Once his head was leaning against me, the tears seemed to come harder and faster. Was I making things worse?

“I fucking hate myself,” he mumbled between coughing. Both of his hands clutched his t-shirt near his stomach.

Something physically hurt in my chest when he said that. It felt like an ache, but I knew it wasn’t something caused by any training I’d had this past week. I quickly swallowed, telling myself it might just be something from dinner. I hated hearing Patrick say negative things about himself. Each time I heard him say that he hated himself, those words would cut through me like a knife. I’d rather take a pounding in the ring from Marty without trying to defend myself than to hear Patrick say he hated himself.

“Don’t say that. There’s nothing to hate about you.”

“I’m so fucked up, Hollis.”

“No, you’re not.”

“No? My head is so screwed up that I have these horrible dreams about my dad and stepbrother and wake up hard. That’s fucked-up.”

I didn’t know what to say exactly, but I knew none of this was his fault.

“It’s not your fault, Patrick.”

I felt him shrug at my comment followed by more sniffling.

“No one is ever going to want me.”

That squeezing feeling that I had moments ago returned. He deserved so much better than the girlfriends he’d had so far.

“Yes, they will. High school is full of fake, superficial people. We’re almost done with that.” I held him tighter against me.

“Then what? You have your life planned. I have nothing.”

“You have me, and you’re going to be part of my team as long as you want to be.” I gently messed up the back of his hair.

He huffed out a short laugh, as if not believing what I said about his future. I leaned back and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His eyes were red and the lower eyelids were puffy.

“Are you doubting me?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he mumbled and shrugged.

“Hey,” I said and playfully took a handful of his t-shirt. “Have I ever lied to you or let you down?”

He looked me in the eyes and shook his head.

“No. Never.”

“I will make certain you get a contract with me and the team,” I promised him.

“You think you can do that?”

I let the cheesy grin slide onto my face.

“I’m Hollis ‘The Dragon’ Ward, and I can do anything.”
