Page 9 of The Dragon

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“No way!” Morgan yelled.

“Hulk Hogan, here I come!” Chase screeched.

My eyes roamed the glossy ticket with Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter proudly displayed.

“I can’t believe this,” I said as Dad hugged me. “We’re actually going?”

“We are. Well, I’m going with you boys. Mom wants to sit this one out.” Dad winked at me.

“Thank you!” I exclaimed.

“We knew it was a trick question,” Morgan explained.

“Yeah, we knew it was a trick,” Chase repeated.

“You did, huh?” Mom asked.

I shrugged while I ran my finger over the glossy ticket and read it again from top to bottom out loud.

“WrestleMania VII on March 24, 1991 Los Angeles, California. Main event Hulk Hogan and Sergeant Slaughter. Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior. Debut of The Undertaker.”

“Hulk Hogan!” Chase yelled and ran into the living room. He threw a cushion from the couch onto the floor and then jumped onto the couch. He leapt from the couch and slammed down on the cushion. “Take that, Sergeant Slaughter!”

Morgan and I soon joined Chase with doing a three-way tag team of us versus the couch cushions. Morgan would hold the cushion in place while I did some spectacular combination of karate kicks on it, ending with a dramatic takedown move. Then I’d high five Morgan and he’d do the same. Chase would tackle the cushion and roll around on the floor with it. Where he lacked finesse, he made up with energy and entertainment. And that’s exactly what the WWF and WrestleMania were: high energy entertainment.

* * *

My brothersand I talked nonstop during the thirty minute drive from our house in Beverly Hills to the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Park in L.A. We were too excited to do anything but talk about WrestleMania. The three of us wore our Hulk Hogan t-shirts and talked about how he was going to rip the limbs off Sergeant Slaughter.

“Is it much longer?” Chase asked from the backseat as we inched closer to the parking lot booth.

“There are just a few cars ahead of us. Be patient. There are going to be a few lines today, so put your patience hat on, Chase,” Dad suggested.

As soon as we parked, the three of us jumped out of the car. I grabbed the back of Chase’s shirt to stop him because he started to take off for the back of the car in the parking aisle. Dad came around and took hold of Chase’s hand, and I walked on the other side of Chase. Morgan and I talked about the other matches we hoped to see today.

The area in front of the entrance was filled with booths and vendors selling t-shirts, programs, and videos of matches. Dad stopped and bought us a program to share and gave it to me to carry. I held the program out so Chase and Morgan could see it as I thumbed through the pages while we stood in line to get inside.

“Hey, Professor Hawkins!”

I looked up when a few guys came over to talk to Dad.

“Hi, fellas. Taking in the event today?”

“Yeah. We watch them on TV and saw they were going to be in town.”

“Boys, this is William and Teddy. They’re students of mine at USC,” Dad introduced us. I lowered the magazine so Morgan and Chase would look up and not be rude. “This is my oldest, Hollis, Morgan is my middle, and this little monster is Chase.”

“Hey, guys. Nice to meet you,” William said.

“Hello,” I said and waved.

“Judging by your t-shirts, I’d say you guys are Hulk Hogan fans. You guys excited to see the main event?” Teddy asked.

“Yes, definitely!” Morgan replied.

“Hulk Hogan is going to rip Sergeant Slaughter apart!” Chase made a motion like he was pulling my arms off.

The guys laughed and looked at Dad.
