Page 17 of Love Me Later

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“It’s trending, or whatever the kids say. But I’ve never really listened to the lyrics before.”

Rory is silent as I focus on the lyrics. The song is about high school sweethearts still trying to figure their crap out now that they’re in their twenties. Perfect. Fuck the universe and all its signs.

“Unrequited love is always sad,” I say while looking into her beautiful green eyes. “Years of missed opportunities that leave one or both sides involved wondering what could’ve been.”

Rory looks at me, unblinking. She licks her lips, and I feel my body start to react. My pulse quickens and the nerves in my stomach begin to flutter. Now is the time, dumbass.

“Jackson,” she whispers.

“Jackson, we have a situation in the parking lot,” Lyndsey interrupts. She looks back and forth between Rory and me as we quickly put distance between ourselves. “Sorry to interrupt.”

“No, it’s fine. You’re not interrupting anything,” Rory says, as the blush on her cheeks darkens.

“Ok… Jackson, the principal has a group of kids out there and has requested your help.”

Without a word, I nod and make my way toward the gym exit. Once I’m far enough away, I take in a deep breath to help center myself. I keep thinking I’m seeing all these signs pointing me toward Rory. But it’s obvious that the universe seems to push us apart before we can say or do anything we won’t be able to take back. Maybe all this time I’ve been delusional thinking we could have been more, when all along Rory and I have been exactly all we were ever meant to be.
