Page 65 of Love Me Later

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Three weeks have passed since Jackson, and I crossed that line in our friendship. A line that had been blurry for far too long; one I’d refused to acknowledge.

Making the leap of faith from friends to lovers was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done in my life. The first day I met Jackson, I knew there was something different about him. Not long after, I knew he would be in my life forever. It sounds stupid to say, but I’ve always felt like maybe my mom put him in my path for a reason. My mom always knew what I needed better than anyone. I think maybe she knew how badly I would need someone, especially after she was gone and we moved. I think she knew I’d need someone to help replace the friends I was leaving behind in Chicago. Someone to help me adjust to my life here as the new kid. Jackson did all that. He made the pain of losing my mom and my old life somehow less painful.

These last few weeks the two of us have fallen into our new way of couplehood quite nicely. Any awkwardness felt on my end is now long gone. There is still a small amount of lingering guilt I have over how our relationship came to be and, of course, about Brad. It’s hard not to. Even though I wasn’t in love with Brad, I had love for him. And the breakup is still so fresh. He finally texted me a day ago, saying he was ready to meet up and exchange the things we had left in each other’s homes. Closing the door on that chapter of my life will help. I have no clue what to expect when I see him; nor do I know what he’ll say to me. Whatever it is, I deserve it, and I won’t argue the point.

But Brad will have to wait because this weekend we are celebrating Mitch and Leann’s wedding anniversary. At five sharp, Jackson’s truck pulls into my driveway. The deep rumble of his exhaust always alerts me of his arrival. My high heels clack against the laminate floor as I make my way toward the garage door. Once inside, I hit the button and wait as the door slowly rolls open. Jackson steps out of his truck and leans against the side. He’s dressed in a black suit, dark gray dress shirt, and a black tie decorated with a gray filigree pattern. His hair and beard are both freshly trimmed. It’s a rare sight seeing him all fancied up, but damn, he looks good when he does.

Jackson, with his head bowed, walks in my direction. When he finally looks up, he stops dead in his tracks and removes his sunglasses. His light hazel eyes take in every inch of my body from head-to-toe. The look in them is one I’ve gotten used to over these past few weeks. In them holds an incurable hunger and want that’s focused solely on me. Usually when he looks at me like that, my clothes almost immediately come off. That thought alone causes a sudden warmth to spread through my abdomen and I’m forced to press my thighs together. Jesus, Rory quit being such a sex crazed maniac. Jackson takes a step away from the truck and smiles.

“You look amazing,” he finally manages.

“Thank you.” Glancing down, I run the palm of my hand over the silky black fabric of my dress. The formfitting pencil dress falls an inch below the knee and has a sexy slit up the back. Black polka dots adorn the see-through material of the three-quarter length sleeves. This dress has a retro feel to it, almost rockabilly, which is why I love it. With my curves, it makes me feel like one of those classic pinup models. “You look pretty good yourself there, handsome.” I smirk.

Jackson runs the palm of his hand over his hair and gives me his signature cocky grin. “I clean up pretty nice, don’t I?”

“Always have.”

The two of us are now standing mere inches from one another. The air around us carries a charge of electricity. It’s crazy to think it’s only been a few hours since I last saw him. I literally left after his T-ball game was over. Yet, I’m desperate for him, for his touch. If there was enough time, I’d drag him into the house and have my way with him. Or better yet, I’d let him throw me against the side of the truck, hitch up my dress, and take me right here for all the neighbors to see.


Jackson’s voice cuts like a knife through my dirty thoughts. “Hmm?”

“I asked if you were ready?”

“Oh, yeah, I am.” I turn away from Jackson and walk to the passenger side of the truck.

From behind me, Jackson lets out a pained groan. “Damn it, Rory.” His hands are on my ass as he runs them over my curves. “The sight of you makes me want to do illegal things.” I turn slightly as he opens the truck door. Leaning into him, I place my hand on his chest.

“We can break a few laws later. Or maybe I can, so you’re forced to cuff me.” Jackson raises his eyebrows, liking the sound of that. “But right now we need to leave or we’ll be late.”

“Fine. But don’t think I’m going to forget what you said about handcuffs.” He shuts the truck door, and I can’t help but smile at his promise.

* * *

Walking into the ballroom,I feel more like myself. My raging hormones have thankfully calmed, and I no longer feel the urge to rip Jackson’s clothes off. Although this is our first official get together as a couple, I feel good. There aren’t any nerves like I expected. But why would there be? I know all of Jackson’s family and have for years. Another perk of falling in love with your best friend.

Glancing around, I spot a sea of familiar faces. Jackson’s parents have lived in Hawk Bend all of their lives, as did their parents before them. It doesn’t surprise me that most of the town is here. Even my dad, who hates dressing up for these types of functions, is standing off to the side of the bar talking to a group of men.

“Well, look who finally made it.” Jameson’s greeting cuts through the inaudible murmur of voices. “I thought maybe that piece of junk truck of yours broke down.”

Next to me, I feel Jackson tense up. I reach out and place my hand on the small of his back for support.

“Jameson, wish I could say it’s good to see you, but I’d be lying.”

The two men stand face to face. Their physical similarities are so prominent, yet they couldn’t be more different from each other. Jameson stands there in his pinstriped suit with a confident grin on his face. He knows how his presence alone irritates Jackson, and he loves every second.

“Don’t worry Jackson, it wasn’t you I came to say hello to anyway.” Jameson snakes his arm around my waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Rory, you’re looking good, girl.”

“Thanks. Good to see you, too.”

Before he can respond, a tall, dark-haired woman with an amazing body rushes to his side. She’s wearing a satin, slip dress the color of liquid gun metal. The slit on either side shows off her model-esque legs.

“Jameson, they are serving the wrong champagne. I specifically ordered Cristal for the occasion.” Her heavy accent only adds to her exotic look. Even if I didn’t recognize her from the pictures I’ve seen, I’d know who she is. She’s far too glamorous to fit in with this crowd.

“Martina, calm down, baby. I’ll handle it. I was just saying hi to my little brother.”
