Page 66 of Love Me Later

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Martina turns to Jackson and unashamedly checks him out. Practically eye-fucking him right there in front of Jameson and myself. When she’s finished, an approving smirk dances on her lips. Instinctively, I move closer, feeling the need to claim and protect what’s mine.

“Jackson, bienvenidos, amor. It’s been too long since we’ve seen you,” she purrs. Martina places her hands on Jackson’s shoulders and kisses either cheek. Her rich brown eyes finally meet mine and she cocks her eyebrow. “I see the Nash men have a type.” Type? The only thing this woman and I have in common is we are both Latina. Besides that, there’s nothing. “¿Tú debes ser la novia? Es un placer conocerte finalmente.” Martina kisses me the same as she did Jackson.

Good, at least she recognizes that I am, in fact, Jackson’s girlfriend.

“Igualmente. I’ve heard nothing but good things,” I lie, kind of. No one has outright said anything exceptionally bad about this woman, but from my first impression, I don’t like her.

“So the rumors are true? You two are really a couple now?” Jameson’s eyes bounce between Jackson’s and my own. “Kind of fast, considering just a few weeks ago you were engaged to Brad.” Jameson turns to Martina. “Babe, you know Brad, the attorney I met with yesterday? The one who’s helping me break my contract with the Chiefs?”

“This is who you were talking about?” Martina looks back at me and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Finally, she glances at Jackson. “Your brother is better looking than that man. ¿Mejor en la cama también? ¿No? Smart choice if you ask me.”

“Um, thanks.” Jackson looks at me and all I do is shake my head.

Martina turns back to Jameson. “The champagne, mi amor?” She spins Jameson away from us and ushers him toward a woman standing near the entrance. The woman deflates a little when she spies them approaching.

As Jackson and I watch the two of them walk away, a server carrying a tray of champagne flutes offers one to us. Jackson and I both accept and take a sip.

“Tastes good to me,” I comment while sipping the crisp, bubbly drink.

“The woman’s a hurricane. Hard to believe Jameson found someone just as entitled as he is. Birds of a feather, though, right?”

After walking around the room and saying hello to everyone, they announce dinner will be served soon. Leave it to Jameson to host a sit-down affair instead of a casual buffet. Seated at our round table is Martina, Jameson, Jackson, their parents, myself, and my father. Both the wine and conversation seem to flow easily. Everyone is enjoying the good food along with each other’s company. Even Martina has relaxed enough to share a laugh or two with us common folk. It appears these two brothers can put their rivalry aside for the sake of their parents and there have been zero issues between the two.

Just after dinner, Jameson gets up from his seat and walks over to where the band’s been playing. The singer sees him approach and hands him the microphone. Once the music stops, Jameson turns on the mic and gives it a few taps, causing all eyes in the room to focus on him.

“Hey, y’all. First, I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. I’m honored that you could be here to celebrate with us. As you all know, my parents have worked hard their entire lives to make sure that Jackson and I never went without. I’m happy to say at least one of us can now return the favor.”

Oh, crap. I spoke too soon. The low blow causes Jackson to tense beside me as he places his hand on my thigh. Leann looks back at him apologetically while Mitch keeps his gaze locked on the golden child.

“Yesterday, I had a meeting in town with one of the best attorneys in the area. This morning he notified me that my contract with the Chiefs is over, and the Houston Texans have made me an official offer.” Jameson reaches into the suit jacket and pulls out an envelope. “Your son is finally coming home. Maybe this present will help us see each other more.”

Jameson holds out his arm and waves the envelope back and forth. Mitch and Leann glance at each other before Martina stands and motions for them to follow her. Together, the three of them make their way toward Jameson.

“Did you know anything about this?” Jackson is staring at me, the look on his face unreadable.

“No, it must have happened after.” I place my hand on top of the one Jackson has on my thigh. “Houston’s over a hundred miles away. You won’t have to see him.”

“I know.”

But before Jackson can say anything else, there is a small squeal coming from the center of the dancefloor. Leann has opened the envelope and is looking at the piece of paper that’s inside.

“A house, Jameson? You bought us a house?” Mitch appears to be in shock as he looks between Jameson and the flier Leann is holding.

“I did. I want my parents to be more involved in our lives.” Jameson snakes his hand around Martina’s waist and pulls her closer to him.

“You want us to live here?” Leann asks.

“Well, not full time if you don’t want to.” Jameson smiles at Martina. “But we’re hoping the two of you will be around more than not. Especially after this little one is born.” He places his hand lovingly over Martina’s flat stomach, and my mouth drops open.

Leann squeals again. This time, she pushes Mitch aside and wraps her arms around Jameson and Martina both.

“A baby, oh my God, a baby. I’m finally gonna be a MeeMaw, Mitch.”

“That’s why I bought you a four-bedroom house, Mom. You’ll need the space for all the grandbabies Martina and I are gonna give you.”

The guests all around us break out into cheers of congratulations at the joyful news. I glance at Jackson through my peripheral and try to get a read on how he’s taking the news. My dad pushes his chair away from the table and stands.

“Well, I need another ginger ale. Congratulations, Uncle Jackson,” my dad says before heading toward the bar.

“Are you ok?” My hand squeezes his and slowly his eyes meet mine.

He gives me a small smile and then kisses my cheek. “I’m good, but this champagne is going through me. Meet you on the dance floor?”
