Page 69 of Love Me Later

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My fingers tiptoe down the silky fabric of her dress until the globes of her ass rests in my palms. Giving them a firm squeeze, I smile down at her.

“Oh yeah, what’s your secret? How were you able to perfect that skill when no one else could?”

“Well, that’s easy.” Her eyes sparkle with the reflection of the moon as I watch them scan over my face. “I love you.”

No matter how many times I’ve heard her say those three little words over the last few weeks, I still can’t believe it. This woman has meant everything to me for so long. To be with her now and to have her actually reciprocate these feelings… I don’t have the words. Instead of trying to find the right ones, I bring my lips to hers and feel their soft plumpness. Rory’s mouth parts, and our tongues find their way to one another. When we break apart, I brush the hair out of her eyes with my hand.

“Jackson, I’ll always be here when you need me. Ride or die till the end, baby.”

“Pinky swear?”

Placing my hand in between us, I hold out my pinky finger. This may not be the most hardcore ride or die gesture, but it’s us. It’s who we are. Rory wraps her pinky around mine and smiles.

“Pinky swear.”

“Sorry to interrupt.” Looking over Rory’s head, I see Jameson and Martina standing about a foot away. There is already some bruising on the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. Good. “Martina told me I need to apologize for my behavior.”

Rory’s head whips around to look at Jameson. She’s clearly as shocked as I am that there’s someone in this world who could make Jameson apologize for his actions. Maybe I underestimated Martina. Rory turns away from me, but I pull her back before she can put any distance between us.

“I’m listening,” I tell him.

“I should’ve given you a heads up about the house.” My brother looks at his wife and she cocks her eyebrow at him, encouraging him to go on. “And about my plan to move back to Texas. I know you’ve been the one making sure mom and dad are always doing good, and I appreciate that. Buying them that house was my way of taking some of the burden off of you. That’s all.”

Well, now I kind of feel like the dumb ass for overreacting. I’m so used to assuming the worst out of Jameson that I didn’t even think his intentions might have been for good and not purely to rub my nose in his success or money.

“Jackson?” Rory whispers.

I glance down at her and she gives me a knowing look. Yeah, yeah. I guess it’s my turn now.

“I’m sorry I threw a tantrum like a toddler.” I exhale. Even though it’s the right thing to do, the words feel bitter in my mouth. “You do good by our parents, and I should be man enough to put our own rivalry aside to acknowledge that.”

Jameson nods and reaches for Martina. “Oh, and about the other thing.” This time his eyes bounce between Rory and me. “I tried to make it seem like a bigger deal than it was. But I’m sure she told you that already.”

“She did.” I give Rory a squeeze and kiss the top of her head.

“I’m happy for you two.”

“Thanks. I’m happy for you too, about the baby and all.”

Jameson smiles and places his hand over Martina’s stomach. My brother is genuinely happy and, for the first time, I’m not jealous of what he has. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally got everything I’ve always wanted as well.

“¿Son siempre así?” Martina looks at Rory.

“Desde el primer día los conocí.” She sighs.

“¿Hay alguna esperanza?”

“Tal vez algun dia. Es decir, mientras sigamos diciéndoles qué hacer.”

“Hey, now. It’s not nice to talk about us in front of our faces. Wait to do it behind our backs like normal wives and girlfriends,” Jameson jokes.

“Martina asked if you two had always been like this and if there was any hope that you two could change.” Rory looks up at me and smiles.

“Sí, mi amor. Perhaps now that you two have us things will be better. No?” Martina looks at Jameson with a knowing look.

Glancing at Jameson the two of us stare at each other for a moment before laughing.

“Not a chance,” we reply in unison.
