Page 70 of Love Me Later

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After all the drama between Jameson and I was over, my parents’ anniversary party continued on without a hitch. A little before midnight, Rory and I hopped into my truck and headed for home. Looking up at the clear night sky, I knew my plan for how I wanted this evening to end would actually work.

“Are you tired?”

Rory looks over at me and shakes her head.

“Not really. Why?”

“I’ve got an idea. Do you feel like taking an adventure with me?”


Getting off on the next exit, I make my way east of Hawk Bend. The old dirt road we’re on is private, and few people know it exists. It leads to a spot that overlooks the quarry. When I reach the clearing, I bring the truck around and then reverse it so the rear is facing the cliff’s edge. I cut off the engine and unlock the doors.

“If I didn’t trust you as much as I do, I’d be a little freaked out right about now.” Rory is looking out the windshield at nothing but total darkness.

“Give me a second, and I’ll come get you.”

“Um, ok.”

Stepping out of the truck, I shut the door and head for the tailgate. Once it’s down, I roll the tonneau cover back, exposing the bed of the truck. After adjusting a few things, I make my way to the passenger side to collect Rory. Her door is open as she patiently waits for me. She ditched her heels a long time ago, and I watch as her bare foot swings idly back and forth.

“You ready?”

She tilts her head to look at me. “What were you messing with back there?”

I grab her hands and spin her to face me. Rory stands on the running board and places her hands on my shoulders. With my arms wrapped around her thighs, I lift her, carrying her to the bed of the truck.

“Just a few things I packed before coming to pick you up.”

I place her down gently on the tailgate, and Rory looks behind her. Before I got ready for tonight, I blew up the air mattress I use for camping trips and grabbed all the extra blankets and pillows I could find.

“You planned all this?” With a small shrug, I smile at her. “It’s pretty romantic, actually.”

“Yes, ma’am, it is. Now scoot your ass back and get comfy.”

Rory rolls onto her hands and knees, crawling to the back of the cab. My dick grows hard at the sight of her. She’s so fucking sexy without even trying, and it drives me crazy. I watch as she gets comfortable and then follow her. Once I lay down, I extend my arm out for Rory and she rests her head on my bicep. Together, the two of us stare up at the night sky.

“This is really beautiful,” she murmurs.

My fingers lazily drift up and down her arm as I hum in agreement. The sky is crystal clear and lit up by the almost full moon. There are more stars shining down on us than anyone could ever think to count. The only sounds to be heard for miles are the bellowing of the bullfrogs along with the chirping of the crickets. A true backcountry serenade.

“How is it I never knew this spot existed? You’d think the teenagers would be all over this. It’s the perfect make-out spot.”

“It’s an access road for the water department. Technically, no one’s allowed up here. The only reason I know about it is because we have to patrol it.”

The two of us fall into a comfortable silence once more. One bonus of falling in love with your best friend is having the ability to just simply exist with each other. It’s times like these when I can truly appreciate the bond Rory and I share.

“Do you ever worry that one day you’re going to wake up and all of this will have been a dream?” Rory turns her head to the side to look at me. “You know how I was with my past relationships. No matter how serious they got, I always kept them at an arm’s length. Even Brad. But you.” Rory pauses. “My feelings for you scare me sometimes.”

“Why?” I bring my hand up to cup the side of her face and lazily run the pad of my thumb across the freckles on her cheek.

“Because they’re so strong. I never knew love could feel like this. Or maybe I did because I saw it with my own parents and seeing how broken my dad was when my mom died…” Rory’s voice trails off, and I watch as that all too familiar sadness creeps in.

“You, pretty lady, are going to be stuck with me until we’re old and wrinkly.” She nods, and I know she’s only doing it to pacify me. I know it’s not me she’s worried about losing. She’s worried about leaving this earth prematurely, just as her mom did. To lighten the mood, I do what I do best; make her smile. “I’m talking about droopy balls down to my knees. Saggy titties that you’ll have to tuck into your pants. All that good stuff.”

“That’s a disgusting visual.” She screws up her face, the ridiculous mental image obvious in her head.
