Page 74 of Love Me Later

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“You give yourself too much credit.” He smirks. “Despite the whole wedding fiasco and the last few months of our relationship, we had a good run.” Brad pauses, waiting for me to argue or agree. When I don’t, he continues. “I loved you, and I think, in your own way, you loved me too.”

“I did, of course I did. What I did to you was wrong, and I’m truly sorry. I embarrassed you in front of all your family, friends—”

“Important work acquaintances,” he adds.

“Everyone. If given the chance to do it differently, I would.”

“Would you still choose him?”

Nodding my head, I sigh. “Every time.”

“I’m partly to blame.”

“No, you’re not—”

“Yes, I am.” Brad runs his fingers through the scruff of his beard, thinking about what to say next. “As an outsider, it was easy to see how Jackson felt about you. I thought if I could just get you away from him, from Hawk Bend, maybe it would be enough.”


“No, Rory, let me finish. What I’m trying to say is, toward the end, it became about winning. I was going to have you and Jackson wasn’t. It’s all that mattered to me, and it made me not see past the end of my nose. I couldn’t see the actual issues we had. You and I want very different things out of life. I want a family. I want to have children of my own and watch them grow up in this house.” He takes a long look around, as if envisioning his future. “Your situation is unique, and your reasons for not wanting kids, not wanting to be a mother…those feelings are valid. I see that now. But my own needs and wants mattered more to me than your health and well-being. That’s not how people who love each other or who’re committed to each other should behave.”

“Sounds like we were doomed, even without Jackson.”

“It seems that way. But, if it’s all right, I’m still going to put most of the blame on him.”

“Sure.” I chuckle. This completely transparent side of Brad is not something I’m used to. He’s a much more likable guy when he’s vulnerable. “You deserve to have everything you want in life.”

“So do you,” he replies as I reach for the box, but Brad stops me. “I’ll carry it out to the car for you.”

“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t look very heavy.”

Brad nods and follows me to the front door. When he opens it, I watch as a two-door Lexus pulls up in front of the house. The woman driving looks oddly familiar.

“She’s early. I didn’t plan this, I swear.”

The woman gets out of the car but hesitates when she sees me. I turn to face Brad and cock my eyebrow at him.

“Is that…” Crap. What’s her name? “Vanessa?” I remember the woman now as the one Jackson briefly dated. The poor woman whose date Brad and I sabotaged at the sushi place.

“It is.” Brad wrinkles his nose at me and shrugs. “A few colleagues and I had drinks after work one night, and I ran into her. We quickly bonded and formed the official I hate Rory and Jackson fan club. Soon after that, we realized we actually have a lot in common.”

“Umm.” I struggle to find the right words. I’m happy for Brad and Vanessa, I guess. It’s just a very random pairing.

“I know it’s weird. I hate to admit this, but Jackson does have excellent taste in women.” Brad points his index finger at me as a warning. “Don’t ever tell him I said that.”

“I won’t, and I’m happy for you.”

“Coming out of a long-term relationship, I don’t know if it’ll go anywhere. But I look forward to finding out.” Brad leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodbye, Aurora. Have a good life.”

“You too.”

* * *

Hawk Bend has beenfull of hot days and even hotter nights this summer, thanks to Jackson. After calling off my wedding, I recommitted to my job at the high school. Between summer school classes and meetings with upcoming seniors about college, my days were busy. Jackson and I spent as much time together as possible, which was always the norm for us. Our days off were spent working on his house or enjoying a good cookout with friends and family. Now, it’s August, and I can’t even remember the last time I slept in my own bed. Somehow, I’ve unofficially moved in with him without even realizing it. And I’m happy.

The new school year starts in a few days, and I’m busy trying to pack the rest of my things to take over to Jackson’s house. Since I’m not ready to sell my place just yet, I’ve decided to try and rent it out. I figure it’s better than letting it sit empty. Lyndsey left about an hour ago, and right after that, Jackson texted to let me know he’ll be late.

I’m in my closet, taking out the last of my clothes, when I hear the deep rumble of his truck’s exhaust. A few minutes later, he’s standing in the bedroom doorway, still in uniform.
