Page 75 of Love Me Later

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“Hey there, handsome.” I toss the clothes onto the wardrobe box and reach for the glass of wine sitting on my nightstand. “Long day?”

“Hmm, isn’t it always?” Jackson glances around the room. “This place looks so empty.”

“That’s the idea.” I smirk. “Are you having second thoughts about me moving in?”

“No.” He snorts. “I was simply making an observation.” He stalks over to me, his heavy boots making the floor creak under their weight. “Besides, you pinky swore you wouldn’t change your mind. No take backs.”

“No take backs,” I reply, holding my hand up in surrender.

Jackson lowers his head and kisses me on the lips. Feeling the sudden urge to deepen our connection, I place my free hand at the back of his head and tangle my fingers through his hair. Groaning into my mouth, he presses me firmly up against him.

“Someone missed me today.” His teeth nip at my jaw.

“Maybe a little.”

“Are you ready to get out of here, or do you want to pack some more?”

Jackson kisses my lips once more before relocating to my neck. I tilt my head to the side, giving him better access.

“Uh…” I fumble, finding it very difficult to concentrate. “I only have the odds and ends left.”

“Yeah, like what?”

Jackson’s hand slides under the hem of my cami. With his palm pressed against my abdomen, I feel it slowly creep its way up.

“Like bathroom stuff, and the things in my nightstand.”

His head snaps up, and his eyes meet mine. The look of trouble sparkles deep within them. “Nightstand, huh?” Jackson removes his hand from under my shirt to grip the tiny knob of the single drawer. “What does Rory keep in here?”

The small wooden drawer glides ajar with ease. Inside are a few hair ties, hand lotion, the remote for the TV and a little, indiscreet black bag. With his finger, Jackson moves the contents of the drawer around.

“Looking for anything in particular?” I place my wine glass back on the nightstand.

“Yes.” He picks up the black bag to inspect it further. “See, to the untrained eye, this looks like your typical, run-of-the-mill makeup bag. But I’m a professional, in case you can’t tell by the uniform, and I know this houses something other than make-up.”

“Well, officer, it’s nothing illegal if that’s what you’re hinting at.” My voice sounds almost cartoonish, and I lay it on thick. The material of his shirt feels stiff to the touch as I rub my hands down his chest.

“Ma’am, please take a step back. Putting your hands on an officer can be considered assault. If you don’t comply with my request I’ll be forced to restrain you.” His tone is stern and professional, but that look in his eyes tells me he’s here to play. My fingers curl around Jackson’s belt buckle, and with a firm tug, I pull him toward me. My other hand cups the large bulge in his pants. “This is your last warning, ma’am.”

“What are you going to do about it? Arrest me?”

“No, not yet, anyway.”

Jackson tosses the bag onto the bed, and before I can even blink, he spins me away from him. I can hear the metal of his handcuffs clinking together as he removes them from his duty rig. He grabs my right elbow and brings that arm behind me. The cold metal now secure around my wrist, we take two steps back. He extends my shackled arm, and I hear the other cuff click into place. I’m seriously handcuffed to the bed.

“I warned you.” His voice is still stern as he guides me to sit down on the edge of the mattress. “Now I can search the contents of this bag without distraction.”

Jackson unzips my toy bag and begins to ruffle through the contents. He pulls out my shiny, silver bullet, cocks his eyebrow, and gives a what the fuck look.

“Don’t let its size fool you. It gets the job done.”

He tosses it onto the bed and pulls out my hot pink wand next. “This one looks like the old school plug-in vibrators my grandparents used to have. But obviously on a much smaller scale.”

“It’s the same thing.”

Jackson’s hazel eyes meet mine. “Noooo. MeeMaw used it on Papaw’s back. He was sore from fixing cars all day.”

“I assure you they used it for other things as well.”
