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Vincent drives me to the hospital. I’m so cut up I can’t think and I just resume the thing I’ve been doing since Mia got shot.

I take my place at her bedside and wait no matter who’s there.

When I arrived it was her father. He’s barely left her side too. Her friend Chloe is the same, although it’s me who’s here day and night.

I don’t want to leave just in case something happens.

The bullet wound was two millimeters away from her heart. That was how close I came to losing her. That close.

She lost so much blood. That alone caused the coma. And the wound, although it didn’t get her heart, was near fatal. When she came into hospital, she had surgery straight away and then the doctors managed to stabilize her. She’d been in this coma since, healing.

I watch and I wait and I keep my fucking eyes peeled to the monitor that keeps check of her heart and vitals. I watch and wait and hope.

She looks so helpless, but not desperate anymore. Not desperate at all.

Since I knew her family situation would be the thing she worried about the most I took care of that.

Took care of it big time.

Hector Ramirez was found indeed. Him and his crew. Vincent dealt with them, tried to reason with them but fuckers like them don’t reason with anybody.

One bullet to the head later and the problem was solved. Vincent got all the money back that Mia and her father paid Hector and gave it back to her father.

As for the Fontaines… that night two weeks ago also laid down the law and make a stand when Joey Fontaine was shot multiple times. One of the Fontaine brothers dead was sure to cause a ruckus, except it didn’t.

Not yet anyway.

Not yet.

The rest of them hadn’t made their presence yet, but we all knew that didn’t mean shit. They were just planning I’m sure, but I don’t care about that.

What I care about is right in front of me.

I decided, or rather I promised myself that if she wakes up, I’ll say goodbye.

I’ll say goodbye to her and leave her to live a normal life.

She doesn’t belong in my world and who knows what will happen next.

The problem with a war like the one we let loose is the aftermath.

So I must say goodbye.

She doesn’t have to worry about anyone ever again coming for her and she should live her dreams to be who she’s supposed to be.

She was supposed to be the lawyer. She told me she devoted her life to studying law. I don’t know anyone who talks like that about their career. It’s who she is though. It comes from deep within.

Angel… doll.

She still looks like that to me. Hallowed and sacred… a dream and a wish my heart wants but mustn’t have.

I just want to see her wake up.

In my wild imagination though I allow my mind to take over and imagine what I wanted for us.

The image fills my mind for the millionth time and it makes me smile. Even as I look at her pale skin and my beautiful girl attached to tubes.

Night fell an hour ago and the moonlight outside reminds me of all the times I watched it grace her. Like God himself lent me one of his angels.
