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She stands up and reaches her hands out to me.

“Make love to me, Gabriel Giordano,” she whispers.

I stand and take her hands, feeling the warmth from her daintiness.

“Absolutely.” There is no other answer and I know exactly how to make love to her.

We’ve only done that once before and it was the very first time.

I pick her up and carry her inside, into the grand room where I’ll make her mine.

Our lips find each other and as my mouth covers hers it’s like I can’t get enough. I can’t get enough of her. But I tame the wildness down that wants to unleash my inner beast, so she can feel how much I love her.

I kiss the clothes off her and in seconds we lie naked on the bed, skin to skin with me buried deep inside her.

Our lips never drift far from each other. She runs her fingers through my hair and the caress makes me forget. I forget and I’m just with her. I block out everything that’s happening and make love to her.

And she does to me.

It’s pure bliss that I allow myself to savor. It’s goodness I’ve wanted and want forever.

It’s her.

Passion claims us and we climax together the way we normally do, but this time my skin is alive with heat flickering over and inside me.

She reaches for me and cups my face.

Her hair cascades down her elegant shoulders and she smiles down at me like the goddess she is.

“I love you Gabriel.” She breathes and something comes alive within me.

I haven’t heard those words in ten years.

Never thought I’d hear them again.

“I love you too.” I tell her. I mean it. I love her and I plan to do everything that means.

Including dying for her if that’s what I need to do to protect her.

Chapter Thirty-One


There’sa lot to think about and worry myself over and I really don’t need to be sick at this time.

Yet I am.

I have that awful stomach bug Cordelia had the other week. I’m so sick with it I haven’t been to school in two days. That says a lot for me because even with the whole Tobias shit I still planned to go in, but this damn bug knocked me for six.

Since I saw Tobias I’ve had various people watching me and staying with me.

Today it’s Cordelia. My parents were here earlier because I can’t keep anything down.

Her orders from my mother were to take me to the doctors if lunchtime came and I was still throwing up. Apparently the tablets Cordelia got from the doctor worked like a charm and everyone thinks I’m stubborn for not wanting to go to the doctor.

It’s not stubborn I’m just so tired.

And I just want Gabe.
